如何启动iOS 12.4并阻止撤消! (无电脑)

如何启动iOS 12.4并阻止撤消! (无计算机)|如何在iPhone,iPad,iPod Touch上越狱iOS 12-12.4 w / Unc0ver

在此视频中,我向您展示了如何在iPhone 5S-iPhone X上越狱iOS 12.4,并且即将支持A12设备(XS,XR)。在本教程中,我们将使用Unc0ver越狱,并向您展示如何防止撤销。

您可以在有或没有计算机的情况下越狱iOS 12.4,并且此视频介绍了两种方法。

如果使用Apple ID(在Reprovision或Impactor中)登录时遇到问题,则需要在appleid.apple.com上生成一个密码并将其用作密码。

如果您无法从TweakBox下载Unc0ver,则应使用Cydia Impactor(如本视频所示)侧载IPA,然后使用Reprovision,因此您不必担心撤销!

如何将iOS 13降级到iOS 12! (不丢失数据):https://youtu.be/Ph5MGBeClv8
修复iOS 12.4越狱(Unc0ver)上的Cydia错误消息,常见问题和Bootloop:https://youtu.be/osenXkXOqLs
最佳iOS 12.4越狱调整:https://youtu.be/1pYilWaheec




IPA Unc0ver:http://bit.ly/2KRwtam
Cydia Impactor:http://bit.ly/2lHXn9G

您能在iOS 12.4上越狱iPhone吗?如果您有任何疑问,请告诉我!





▶️2019 Gear更新:https://bit.ly/2GbtIi6


▶️在iOS 12上节省电池寿命(20多个提示):https://youtu.be/ph6OCuelGAo

▶iOS 12中的️Siri快捷方式(教程):https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC-j9MJHTD_GKUTb6bZ8wGQcXoxXNamSj



▶️iPhoneXS Max与Galaxy Note 9 SPEED测试-您可能会感到惊讶:https://youtu.be/i_vlxL8-Y2E


▶️LOADED2017 iMac 27英寸5K拆箱&评测:https://youtu.be/wPcL05YCWdY




▬保持最新! ▬



祝您有美好的一天,下个视频再见! 。

  1. If you can’t download Unc0ver from TweakBox, you should sideload the IPA using Cydia Impactor (as shown in this video) and use Reprovision so you don't ever have to worry about revokes!

  2. hi brandon butch , i get a pop up . when i downloaded ,,reprovision has been broken by changes at apple. do have another service for not have to worry about revokes ?

  3. Hey uncover says unspored what do I do to jailbreak it I do t have a computer and my iOS is 12.4.4 idk what to do so it would be helpful if someone could help me? This is the 20th video I’ve watched trying to fix this problem but I can’t seem to find anything?

  4. Big problem. Apple updated something with theire servers. What broken cydia impector and effect/break ReProvision. Can’t instal or resign any ipa’s. Errors says that you have to upgrade to xcode 7.3 or something. So cydia impector needs an update.

  5. It’s been a month brother since the last time you uploaded aJailbreak video no A12 support with unc0ver, and well even ReProvision it’s been updated to support A12 devices and I can’t pass the 2 authentication code I keep putting in the 6 number code and it always says failed I can’t pass that part ?????

  6. Why can’t I do this?,I have tweak box downloaded But I can’t get the other app to work…if anyone could try and help me I’ll appreciate it.

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