

  1. This is the worst patch ever for alts. I thought 8.2 was bad. This is even worse, since you need to grind things to upgrade your cloak every week as well + grind for new essences + heart of azeroth artifact power. Fine if you want to play only on 1-2 characters max, but for those who like to play on alot of characters (and keep them up) this is insane.

  2. Capped grind is better than open ended daily chore.
    But i still really can't understand what exactly do we get from HV? isn't only for the circular talent system attached to it, cape upgrade (which is doable through raid) and the socket item? anything else to get from that? how is it mandatory?

  3. BFA has a new meaning. Boring Fucking Activities. How about a reputation that requires exactly ZERO dailies and ZERO world quests? That'd be some innovation right there. At this point it doesn't matter the coat of paint on your new mounts or tabards. It's about how fun the game can be. Too instanced. Too boring in the open world. BFA is proof the team is in corporate paralysis with no idea which way to pivot. You can load the game with thousands of achievements, titles and mogs but at the end of the day if the game isn't fun to play there's little reason to do any of it.

  4. Retail wow is a crap show the game is horrible.the player base is so dumbed down they accept this forced rep grind and chasing ilvl each patch.

    I remember when wow used to be fun.

  5. We really need essences to be account wide. Reputations also need to be account wide. There's too much grinding on each alt that it makes it hard for me to want to start all over on new alts.

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