


  1. Thanks but no thanks, can you imagine how many more vehicles would be on the road, all those people who don't drive now have a chance of being on the road. Driverless buses, well there goes a whole lot of men and women into the unemployment line, thanks, I'm sure those people will understand. Why not put that money into solving world hunger or finding a cure for life-threatening illnesses. Okay, so you can build a driverless car but at what cost to everyday humans who depend on their jobs driving for a living.

  2. I want to have one of these cars and participate in this Google self-driving car project please contact me… thanks.. It is really the car of my dreams

  3. MAKE a device/app which will tell when its safe to cross the road. Or if I am on sidewalk… device that will let me know person/cycle behind me. A device which will make walking safe……anywhere….on road, sidewalk, tracks…..

  4. So this is the future, is it? A self-driving car? Well then I suppose I'll kill myself now, because life wouldn't be worth living in a world where you can't drive a car! The traffic laws are going to change and adapt to autonomous cars, and it'll be impossible to drive a normal car. You couldn't drive a Mercury Invicta or a Pontiac Star Chief or something like that. I don't know.

  5. I see a problem that once you are in the car you are a target for a robbery. All the robber has to do is step into the street and the car will sense a pedestrian and stop.

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