18个新的8.3支架及其来自何处! -魔兽世界:艾泽拉斯战役| N&zoth Patch的愿景。

补丁8.3中添加了许多新的安装!这不是完整的列表,也不是如何获取它们的指南,而是它们的来源的早期预览,因此我们可以开始更多地研究如何获取难以捉摸的对象……例如Ranjani Warserpent!

魔兽世界8.3版补丁“ N’zoth的视觉”为游戏带来了20多个新的坐骑,以及更多的内容,这应该是一个不错的选择!




  1. i am not a huge mount collector, i only use like a few and mainly dragons, so the only nice one i see is the blue void dragon. i like transmogs, i hope 8.3 will have cool leather ones.

  2. Way too many re-colors on mounts. They need to be removed and just " 1 " of the mount and that would make it more special.. Is there anything special anymore /smh

  3. So.. A bunch of reskins? Wwwooooooooooooooah what a fuckin shock. What amazing and unique rewards. Blizzard is honestly just out of fuckin ideas. Creatively fuckin bankrupt. Have you all seen armour sets for 8.3? Same absolute trash as its been throughout all of BFA.

  4. Got a new sub!! 🙂 And I like the Ha'Li the best as looks the coolest…plus the serpents are always a nice ride. And well, I say keep the face overlay. 🙂

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