BfA 8.3新类更改-最佳治疗师神经和M +奖励更改|魔兽世界补丁8.3

魔兽世界8.3版艾泽拉斯之战(BfA)类更改了视频。我谈论的是某些班级的书呆子和迷们,以及它们如何影响团队和M +。我还介绍了拟议的神话加奖励系统更改,以及它们如何影响战利品和装备的战利品。


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  1. hate it how blizzard literally kills specs and classes. I wonder why. Why should one class in default be better than an other? i think gear should play the biggest part. seeing your other videos, if what you say becomes reality 80% of my characters will be ''shit'' to play.
    If 3 classes becomes way stronger, why play the other ones? what are blizzard thinking.

  2. As someone who has done Mythic raiding, I would say that top tier gear should be reserved for that. The sheer amount of time you have to invest to progress in Mythic is insane, and there's not even a guarantee you will see loot.

    I understand the frustration from Mythic Dungeon players but the skill ceilings are different, and so is the time commitment. When you only have to find 4 other people at your skill level it's different than trying to find 19+ other people for arguably much harder content.

  3. Rising mist can or would never be able to compete with upwelling, this was the most stupid buff ive seen for monks.
    They could make monks great healers by reducing cost of Crane and un-nerf it, because they shadow nerfed it before it goes out live in PVE

  4. Penance healing increased by 15%
    Mastery effectiveness increased by 12%

    I think Blizzard is trying to move away from me being able to raid heal Mythic ashvane with 20 atonements up and 18k dps while our shammy and pally picks their noses and more towards "If you heal the tank, you also get raid heals through contrition, just no damage"

  5. I don't see why max gear should ONLY be in the raid.
    it means you are FORCED to do the raid to do M+ if you like M+ since you will NEED the best gear.
    that will suck.

    raids already give you gear you can't get anywhere else and other stuff like mounts etc you can only get there.
    or mogs.
    i don't see why mythic raiding should be the ONLY viable option for good gear. the trinkets in raids alone usually force people who only enjoy M+ to play raids.

  6. There really is nothing to complain about m+. The raid in mythic last bosses still drop the highest ilwl gear and likely it will also be a more reliable source of corrupted gear. Not to mention if +15 mythic stays as it is now there is no way in hell everyones going to run around with mythic level gear. And if the trend goes on like usual the +15 will prob be like a current +18. And gl pulling of a 15 let alone 18 with a random group. If one does not have a proper group setup and a geared one at that with voice coms preferably they arent doing 15s regulary if at all. Hm sudently it seems a lot like mythic raids are treated. So yeah no grounds to complain. As for healera stuff i main a tank so i have no word in that as long as im kept alive im good with anything xD.

  7. The only healing class that really got a nerf was Disc priests and they are now worthless for pvp. Druids are op because of soul of the forest. Which didn't get nerfed. So I'm pretty happy with resto druids 🙂

  8. what will be the best GENERALLY healer for Mythic +. I like playing shaman, but I know until now it was not viable for mythic +, people rather took anything else than a shaman to a mythic +.
    Is this going to change now? when is it changing?
    I stopped playing so thinking on returning if it changes 😉


  9. That mastery buff for Druids sucks dude. I’ve been stacking mastery all patch wtf. Does anyone know how this works? Let’s say I have 20% mastery does 9% decrease mean I will be down to roughly 18%

  10. no question about it, raider should have the highest and best level gear for the shear amount of work they do , doing a simple plus or having good rng and you want the top best stuff, stupid it's real stupid, I got a wow friend that wants to have the ability to get anything in game that and he only does solo wq etc, but I spent hours raiding and he wants to be able to get the same stuff I do without any of the work. That's bull and you know it.

    You do know you'll be getting a nerf, right? 🙂 Oh yes, you will.
    What, you think Blizzard will allow you to burst 200+k while everyone can barely do 100k?
    You'll get it near last minute. Watch, I guarantee it.

  12. Maybe they could fix this balancing issue with multiple talent trees. One general content talent tree and several content exclusive trees (raiding, pvp, and m+). Currently, one already exists for pvp. The trees for raids and m+ could similar to the pvp talents. This way they can alter abilities with buffs or buff/nerf combo, add new spells entirely, without drastically changing game play.

  13. Love your videos they are getitng better and better. About the healing nerfs, i play a resto sharman main so ATM this does nto effect me. but i have to say all these nerfs and buffs are really to do with the next lot of geear not our present gear so although they may sound really bad or perhaps people heading tot he "delete my char" button, I woudl say do not wait and see how things scale with new mythic + gear and the new essences and raid gear i suspect it wont be as bad as some people are making it out, remebr the tuning is not with our gear right now but with new gear we havent yet got. and lets face it when the patch is here and the new raids ect are out , things will be retuned ect. so hold on in there fellow healers. I actually think its funny all dot clases or the mjority of them are getting nerfed, kinda tells you there will be lots fo adds in the new raid.

  14. In my personal opinion… I think the best AOE gear should come from m+, the best ST and sustained DPS should drop from raiding, and the best pvp gear should be from pvp. BUT, they should all be able to help you compete in other content, just not to the same level. This way if you only raid, you can bring your raid gear into dungeons and maybe not be the best trash DPS but you will really shine on boss fights. Or on the flip side, a m+ player could help a raid group by cleaving down adds during a boss fight, but they sacrifice boss DPS by not having raid gear on. This way you can do any content without a massive barrier to entry. But if you want to specialize in that content, you can grind out gear with stats and affixes appropriate for it. We've learned time and time again that forcing players to do content for BiS is just annoying and most people end up quitting (islands for AP, WQs for war resourcess, m+ weekly for huge residuum chunk).

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