



在这次重磅炸弹采访中,斯皮罗的客人是《最后的美国流浪者》的瑞安·克里斯蒂安(Ryan Christian)。 Spiro和Ryan讨论了这种病毒的情景和支持证据,正如多个国家所建议的那样,此外该病毒在美国发生的重大事件可能是整个疫情的关键,正如许多国家所建议的那样。









更新武汉冠状病毒– 2019-nCoV问答#6:基于证据的假设


https://news.cgtn.com/news/2020-02-23/New-study-shows-武汉-seafood-market-not-the-source-of-COVID-19-OjhaHnwdnG / index.html







  1. Thank you all for your support! A big Thanks to my guest The Last American Vagabond! Be sure to follow him on Twitter https://twitter.com/TLAVagabond And Frequent his website! https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com

    Also don't forget to show support for ActivistPost.com, Thats where you can find all of my reports. But once they remove my Youtube channel, you will have to go to BitChute to find me… https://www.bitchute.com/channel/spiro/

    Thanks again! lets make this Viral! Very important info here…

  2. Okay but the event 201 UN agenda 2030. Clearly shows the NWO and the Bill Gates planned this. Didn't it go along with the 5G rollout? Which is what weaponized it.

  3. 6:45 so wrong! I am Taiwanese.
    Taiwan has 2 major political parties, 1 is pro US (DPP) and the other pro China (KMT). The “virologist” does not have a biology nor medical background at all, but actually a chemistry specialist ( Mr. Pan) who is also a widely known politician of KMT.

    He was quoting a paper FROM CHINA and made such claim based on that paper. Many doctors in Taiwan made public to disagree with him.

    I am not sure about the credibility of all the evidences in this clip but 6:48 is soooo wrong and appears to be a fake news.

  4. Uncle Sam has a long history of conducting field experiments with with biological weapons….
    Somewhere in 1993….Surat city.. The diamond capital of India came under a new form of Plauge…
    Even if suffered from a kind of bubonic Plauge… Lumps in armpits… Between my thighs…
    I treated my self with natural essential oils and a homeopathic remedy….. (At that time nano science did not exist…. So they used to say bullshit with homeopathy)
    Here is a warning…
    Those who play with fire will burn themselves on day…
    Enemies of America…. Billionaires like Bill Gates who in all arrogance play with human lives….
    Eliminate all these greedy billionaires Save America… Save all human life….

  5. listiening to china..Russia and Iran..are lying sacks..and come on….Bill Gates..planned this..very carefull ..and he is like the fireman who was first on scene..hero..till we find out he lit the fire

  6. The 2019 Military World Games, officially known as the 7th CISM Military World Games and commonly known as Wuhan 2019, was held from October 18–27, 2019 in Wuhan, Hubei, China. Wikipedia

  7. The Bioweapon meme is a LIMITED HANGOUT.

    It's certainly possible Iran has got hit with something OUTSIDE the EVENT201 operation. However, me thinks even they are over-hyping the death count.  The globalist can NOT afford their own minions being hit with a REAL bioweapon THEY would lose 'control' of the operation real fast.

    Dr Boyle is making his rounds on so-called alt-media who are doing the work for the EVENT201 globalists by pushing FAKE infected numbers and claiming a bioweapon is on the loose. Bill Gates has also floated out the bioweapons meme. Dr Boyle's SOLUTION to the 'bioweapon attack', is 'over-the-top' "government response", the actual EVENT201 objective..

    Dr Ron Paul hit the target direct by having the balls to call HOAX on this EVENT201operation. He was immediately attacked by EVENT201 assets Alex Jones / Mike Adams, who the latter, used John Hopkins [AKA EVENT201] charts and graphs to claim what EVENT201 alarmists are claiming!! The truth is, THEY [See EVENT201] do NOT want to actually show PROOF that this COVID19 is present in ANY of the people simply CLAIMED to have the Coronavirus.

    The 'end game' is to SIMULATE a pandemic [AKA EVENT201] for 201 days it seems, in order to scare enough people around the world to usher in the medical tyranny population tracking / reduction Agenda 2030 operation. This EVENT201 is simply the first leg of this multi-leg / multi-agenda operation.

  8. Venezuela Just Stopped Accepting US Dollars for Oil As Countries Join Forces to Kill US Petrodollar

    Sept. 14, 2017

    Venezuela just announced they will no longer accept US dollars for oil, as Russia and China create a system to bypass US petrodollar hegemony.

    In what is the latest move to undermine the imperial world order maintained by the United States, which is underpinned through use of the petrodollar as the world reserve currency, the Wall Street Journal reports that Venezuelan President Maduro has officially followed through on his threat to stop accepting US Dollars as payment for crude oil exports in the wake of recent US sanctions.

    Last Thursday, President Nicolas Maduro said that if the US went ahead with the sanction, Venezuela would “free” itself from the US Dollar.

    According to Reuters:

    “Venezuela is going to implement a new system of international payments and will create a basket of currencies to free us from the dollar,” Maduro said in a multi-hour address to a new legislative “superbody.”

    Unsurprisingly, Maduro noted that his country would look to the BRICS countries, and begin using the Chinese yuan and Russian ruble instead — along with other currencies — to bypass the US Dollar stranglehold.


  9. No way that a few sick bats and chickens in wuhan wet market can bring the whole world to their knees in just a few weeks. I don't buy it.

  10. And in Poland first cases of coronavirus appeared  after US Soldiers came to Poland for Defender 2020. Coincidence?

  11. Wuhan has bio weapon research center that is close by from the seafood market where they research corona virus at level 4. Why is there no mention of this?

    I feel like this video is manipulative and biased in a way to make people think US is behind this. You think US is the only one that lies?

  12. The evidence that the U.S. is responsible is completely hearsay – no evidence at all. There were over 100 nations attending those games, so why is the U.S. being singled out? If soldiers got sick during the games, how can we say how they got sick, or what they got sick with?

    Highly likely not the Wuhan lab? They were working on coronavirus and infecting bats with it, that's documented fact. This guy is talking out of his ass, just like China is.

  13. After this virus itself was independently analyzed a Dr. Francis Boyle came out very publicly saying COVID-19 was a Bio-Weapon(1) after he found studies discussing the creation of this virus, the fact there is a lab in Wuhan and the head of that Lab took part in the study was just the icing on the cake.

    Dr. Francis Boyle created the Bio-Weapons act for the United States and he is one of the most qualified people in the World on this subject. He noted that this study actually took place inside the United States, North Carolina(2) to be precise, with FDA approval. But with Chinese Government funding – US and Chinese governmental cooperation to produce a Bio-weapon.

    Dr. Francis Boyle did not speculate on how the virus came to be found in Wuhan. But what if there was evidence of this virus before Wuhan? This would be the smoking gun, as Francis puts it, to its physical origin as the aforementioned study was to it being engineered.

    Let's go back in time, to August 2019. A military lab was shut down due to safety issues(3)which occurred at the same time as deaths in the surrounding area due to a "Flu like" disease that was blamed on vaping (3.1). Location of the lab? A couple of hundred miles from where COVID19 was produced – a military lab named Fort Detrick, Maryland(4).

    Presumably it was spreading and you'd have seen a very high incidence of flu like issues across the area?

    October 2019, ""When the outbreak began, “we started to receive calls from the parents, from the urgent care (centers) with people coming in with some difficulty breathing, wheezing, lethargy, fever. Chest X-rays were showing congestion in lungs and classical signs of pneumonia,” Cook said."

    Yes, you're reading that correctly. From an article titled "Pneumonia Outbreak Reported in Marshall County Schools" (5).

    More curiously, they stated 30 children in total had it, but in the comments you find the following comment by a Lisa Lewis Chambers stating "There are more than 30 confirmed cases just at Cameron elementary. So someone is wrong somewhere" indicating a cover-up of the true figures.

    Immediately after this incident a very curiously timed exercise occurred, "Event 201" – A Global Pandemic Exercise (6), where a significant part of this exercise was combating "fake news". This was nothing more than working out how to control the narrative using social media and restrict the flow of information regarding the pandemic. Why on earth would that be a prime issue under normal circumstances when there are lives at stake?

    The last piece – the Military games that took place in Wuhan in the middle to end of October. Days before the first reported cases arose in Wuhan (7).

    (1) https://greatgameindia.com/dr-francis-boyle-creator-of-bioweapons-act-says-coronavirus-is-biological-warfare-weapon/)

    (2) https://www.nature.com/articles/nm.3985 (2015)






    (7) https://www.military.com/daily-news/2020/03/12/chinese-official-says-us-army-may-have-brought-epidemic-wuhan.html

    *Turns out that same lab was where the MK-NAOAMI operation was given the job of creating a virus to lower the population:-*


    "MKNAOMI was the code name for a joint Department of Defense/CIA research program lasting from the 1950s through the 1970s. Unclassified information about the MKNAOMI program and the related Special Operations Division is scarce. It is generally reported to be a successor to the MKULTRA project and to have focused on biological projects including biological warfare agents—specifically, to store materials that could either incapacitate or kill a test subject and to develop devices for the diffusion of such materials.[1][2][3][4][5] "


    *The cherry on top:-*

    A Taiwanese physician noted that in August of 2019 the US had a flurry of lung pneumonias or similar, which the Americans blamed on ‘vaping’ from e-cigarettes, but which, according to the scientist, the symptoms and conditions could not be explained by e-cigarettes. He said he wrote to the US officials telling them he suspected those deaths were likely due to the coronavirus. He claims his warnings were ignored.

    Japanese and Taiwanese epidemiologists and pharmacologists have determined that the new coronavirus could have originated in the US since that country is the only one known to have all five types – from which all others must have descended. Wuhan in China has only one of those types, rendering it in analogy as a kind of “branch” which cannot exist by itself but must have grown from a “tree”.


  14. I am Chinese HongKonger. Although I support China but I have to say that I disapprove your video.
    We should not joke about it no matter where the virus was originated. What we should care about are people's safety and lives.

  15. Corrections “rights” are an illusion. They come from a “creator”. You’ve a right to do as you’re told only. The Republic that never was…

  16. You dumb fucks! Started on China in November December. Did you guys at least see wuhan in December?? Wake the fuck up and put the bing down!!

  17. You are going to trust Iran on this? Haha. Is there any bad thing in history that they have not attributed to Israel and the US? Come on. What a load of piffle.

  18. Of all plausible origins of CV, I believed in the science based finding. Since America is the only nation with five strains of CV as per Taiwan experts. Not only America have the 5 strains, it also the only nation has the grandfather strain. And if that's true, then America must be the source of CV. If America want to disprove that, then they should come clean with medical data with the world medical experts especially WHO.

  19. What is the surprise in any of it…Certain origins or causes are not for the reporters or the public because they will create a more credible history. Sorry not put lots of values in reporters but I don’t think they really have.

  20. if we had the 1st case in Sept 2019, why dont we have +100K cases, 5K deaths etc… France Spain has more cases… Plus the news reports you showed from "other countries", were reports that "Chinese officials say…" so technically your double dipping

  21. I call BS on the Chinese regime’s claims! MANY researchers say this came from a lab in CANADA (cough, SARS 2002, cough) before being stolen and brought to WUHAN. They have a bioweapons lab in WUHAN.

    What do wrongdoers always do when busted? They accuse their victims of doing what they themselves did.

    It makes ZERO SENSE that the USA is responsible for this. This virus appears in late November/early December in Wuhan, right after Trump gets better trade concessions from CHINA.

    The real conspiracy here is who allowed this to spread? And WHY.

    I am seriously disappointed in this video…

  22. While there is no conclusive evidence to prove the theory put forward, many Chinese including myself have been following the discussion with interest.

    Of course, more fact finding should be done( if possible) with a view to giving much stronger proof.

    The existing data is insufficient to prove conclusively that the COVID – 19 is not originally from Wuhan. However, we can see that some Americans are defending China by collecting data to try to prove that the US has a part to play in bringing about the present disastrous pandemic. It seems that the debate will be going on without any conclusion. I must say that I do appreciate the efforts of those who seek to defend China in producing the

    videos and publicise them.

    Hats off to :

    Nathan Rich: https://youtu.be/3J6zm6zgah0

    Cyrus Janssen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSTCLPRnC1Y

    Japanese report on Naning: https://youtu.be/YfsdJGj3-jM

    Barrett ttps://youtu.be/vnr16D1vnBI

    BBC: https://youtu.be/_UNKr7ot5J8

  23. I find it really funny that people doubt the possibility. The US new immediately how it started because the US always knows who and when and how when it suits.

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