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  1. The group of idiots who demand for freedom of gathering when asked to refrain from gathering and refused to put on mask when ask to do so are not deserve to live. Their self centric attitude is the main caused of the spread of virus. Also not to forget to fxxx the idiots football fans who celebrate in Franch, there too deserve to die immediately.

  2. The madness and panic I'm seeing…. lockdowns, travel restrictions? The Governments are lying about the death rates, they have to be 10-100 times what is being reported. FACT!

  3. Coronavirus is fake. It's just this season's fake scare,,soon it will join pig flu,,bird flu,,sars and Ebola in the hole in the ozone layer,,remember we were all gonna die from that until they just made us pay more for aerosols and then it all went away. Wake up people.

  4. Why did they choose Italy? Because IT-A-LIE
    Just like Corona=33
    Problem, reaction, then their evil solution.
    Tell-lie vision is a the only real virus out there. And people gladly pay for it monthly. They want their lies to be in 4k 80 inch format too. The irony.

  5. Coronavirus is like a mild flu infection for most people, so over 70s / people with underlying health conditions choosing whether or not to self isolate should be the only action necessary in response to the disease. The Common Purpose agenda is to shut down society as we know it for the fascist New World Order. Common Purpose is a network of crooks who have got into office, and we are following their orders and complying with everything they say instead of getting them out of office and using Common Sense against Common Purpose to ignore them. If people do not wake up it's over. This has been happening for a long time and people have just gone along with it, so I don't hold much hope.

  6. God is a pedophile propagandist. For Jews it was 13 years old the Vatican hold the original Bible and stand accused Muslims its three months after first menstruation. Religion is that way.
    the traditional common law minimum age is 14 for boys and 12 for girls – ages which have been confirmed by case law in some states.
    Yemen is the pedophile? Try being broke in london apposed to uganda mate.

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