
参加Google实习或全职工作的学生从事有趣,有意义的项目,并有望从一开始就产生影响。与五名最近的暑期实习生见面,并听听他们对在Google工作意味着什么的想法。 。

  1. For all of you saying that google makes interns work for free, that is utterly wrong. Google and almost all of the S tier tech companies pay their interns extremely well. I am talking around starting salary of 50-60k (if you did the math, because people don't intern for a year at a time). and where is my proof? just google it 😉

  2. The best things in life aren't given, they're worked for, planned on, and calculated to perform at the best levels for production. So you can have the best experience's with no flaws, this is what Google Maps, Apps, and YouTube videos are doing. So we can grow, and be better than the rest of the world.

  3. I would say that if the video is real, it's definitely what we've all dreamed of, but sometimes videos like this just show us the best of working at Google, and some of it may not even be real…

  4. always remember nothing good can happen forever and nothing bad can happen forever. without bad luck there cant be good luck and without good luck there cant be bad luck. im full of wisdom once you learn something you cant unlearn it be careful what you learn because it can change your life in a good way or a bad way

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