
加拿大各地的蒸馏器正从制造杜松子酒,伏特加酒和黑麦转变为混合洗手液,以满足加拿大各地日益增长的需求。 “我们看到了一个很好的机会来帮助社区,”多伦多酿酒厂区约克精神中心的蒸馏酒主管马克·哈罗普(Mark Harrop)说。





75多年来,加拿大广播公司一直是CBC新闻的来源,以使他们了解自己的社区,他们的国家和世界。通过CBC电视台,CBC新闻网,CBC广播,CBCNews.ca,移动和点播等多个平台上的区域和国家节目,CBC新闻及其国际知名的屡获殊荣的记者团队提供了突发新闻,分析和对加拿大人重要的性格。 。

  1. At least these guys are doing something to help Canadians, unlike Trudeau whos virtue signaling has now killed 9 Canadians.

  2. Woah woah wait they stopped regulating the disinfectants?? Shouldnt we prioritize ensuring the products do what they claim they do. Hopefully we dont lose quality for quantity

  3. How is coming together somthing that sets apart canada from the world. Pretty sure the US is the same way. Nobody donates more in the world than Americans.

  4. Bars and liquor stores are being closed, which means they can't sell their product, so they're switching to something that they can sell in the meantime.

    I'm happy to see it happening, but let's not pretend it's from some altruistic motivation. It's just good business sense.

  5. What a heart warming story but you didn't include any information about where we can buy these? I have yet to see these in any of our regular grocery stores here in Vancouver.

  6. That microphone is the source of virus. Please put masks on, journalists. You pass that microphone around that may contain droplets of the infected people.
    Be safe.

  7. This is what China did, some diaper companies switched to make face-masks, because they already have the supplies and the machines, just need some training and production line can start producing masks. I'm so glad Canadians are using as many resources we have to combat covid-19!

  8. The sense of community is contagious. Cheers to these guys.
    They could also make flavoured ones; Whiskey, Cognac, Pina Colada. I think it would catch on

  9. COVID-19 is Red Chinese biological weapon from the military laboratory
    PSL-4 attack on the USA and other countries of the world, with the
    economic strength over Europe and withdrawal of the USA, . canada BC
    corrupt by Red china in all political sectors and economi , BC is
    gepolitically economically Red Chinese base,

  10. Now hopefully we can get more factories to make enough ventilator. But I am pleasantly please with what the government is doing right now. Same time we still need to take extra precautions as much as we can.

  11. This is what I think of when I think about what Canada is. Love to see this. I was hesitant at first because everyone was acting like we are in a bubble and it’s not going to affect us. These principles that society will learn about coming together right now hopefully doesn’t dissipate when this is over

  12. To bad it takes something like this for people that can to help others. If people in situation to make a difference would try in ordinary days. Bet life would be a lot better for those that suffer on a daily. Sorry I'm negative at this time. We always in rush to say look I'm helping. Thing is if our fellow humanity would worry about how they do their job and get it done right. We all wouldn't be going through this. Certain animals don't live together for reasons so don't ship them to become food on the same transportation and none of this be happening.

  13. To bad it takes something like this for people that can to help others. If people in situation to make a difference would try in ordinary days. Bet life would be a lot better for those that suffer on a daily. Sorry I'm negative at this time. We always in rush to say look I'm helping. Thing is if our fellow humanity would worry about how they do their job and get it done right. We all wouldn't be going through this. Certain animals don't live together for reasons so don't ship them to become food on the same transportation and none of this be happening.

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