
-在一个新的低点,唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)试图向一家德国制药公司支付10亿美元,以将其未来的冠状病毒疫苗专门提供给美国,此举被立即拒绝,现在是可以理解的愤怒原因



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  1. Of course 90 million Americans habe litttle or no health insurance so we won't get the vaccine anyway. This pandemic will bring the injustice of American society out in stark relief

  2. Just try buying T.P., Trump is a sick man (mentally).
    Of course he wants the vaccine intell. He should let Germany handle it.
    Votr Trump out in November 2020!!!! Once made the vaccine should completely be free worldwide. Don't let Trump get involved with America only or first to get the vaccine.

  3. The German government didn't "almost offer money" to CureVac to incentivise them to stay. CureVac's work is in part funded by public institutes anyway.

    Good video, though, David.

  4. All our schools are closed here in Germany, most of our stores as well and public life has literally been shut down. Last night i saw pictures from the Italian military having to help transporting the corpses from Bergamo. This is our neighbour country. Hearing your stupid shit of an orange persident say, he wants to buy our company, that tries to find a cure for all mankind and give the vaccine to Americans only, leaves us with just one feeling: Hate.

  5. Some background on this:
    The PureVac owner/majority shareholder is Dietmar Hopp, an 83 year old German Billionaire, who has been under severe public relations pressure in the past weeks in his home-country, Germany, because Hopp bought Hoffenheim FC – Football club. Fans from other German teams wanted to oust Hopp from the German Bundesliga, because he had bought himself into a Professional Football Club which is not-done in Germany. Bayern Munich fans even called him a "Son of a Whore" in a huge banner; An event that shocked the entire Football community in Europe and was broadly televised throughout Europe.
    Hopp's company, PureVac, is now developing and close to delivering the Covid-19 vaccine. Imagine what delivering that vaccine, to the world, will do for Hopp's image & PR, both in Germany and abroad??? He will never sell to Trump, I bet that it was Hopp himself that actually replaced the company CEO… Fuck that Orange Ape…

  6. His supporters must be so proud…. world, please don't put this on the rest of America. We're not like this.
    how's this for a kicker, the companies don't share it with America….thanks to Trump.
    how bad would that look for Trump and his cronies? good Americans like me are so screwed.

  7. Trump is truly an Evil Demon in disguise, everything is always about him, he’ll pull every trick to be re-elected as president, he’ll always play dirty for his own disgusting selfish means. Wake up you trumpards, where are your principles, dignity, loyalty and self respect for your fellowman you are not helping your country by supporting this Monster.

  8. It cannot have been out of pure selfinterest as apes are immune to this virus. The orange Trumpanzee must have wanted to secure that company/knowledge for the USA. Not for the USA Zoo's.

  9. I'm really not sure people understand how much damage Trump is causing from trying to hoard vaccines from the EU and calling it The China Virus. He is simultaneously pissing off 2 of the 3 Official Reserve Currency's of the world. It's only a matter of time before they make the Central Banks drop the US Dollar as an Official Reserve Currency.

    That's when USA will be fucked and Russia will be satisfied.

  10. As a Brit I can tell you Trump and Trump supporters have done huge damage to the reutation of America in the world's eyes. If a country like Britain who has been an ally and friendly with the US could feel this way imagine what other countries are thinking. When Trump say "we've never been so respected" it's hilarious. Only an idiot would believe that.

  11. Meanwhile China is sending medical supplies to multiples country in europe and Africa now that things are calming down over there.

    Trump policies : How to trurn allies into hostile nations 101.

  12. Trump wanted to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. What a horrible creature.
    Trump wanted to get the vaccine, then he would put it under a Trump company. Also he would have to charge everyone for it or it would be socialism.
    So I guess Pence is not living up to Trump expectation.
    Or sold the vaccine to a Muslim country.

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