
在冠状病毒爆发期间,美国和加拿大已同意暂时关闭其北部边界。唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)将COVID-19称为“中国病毒”而遭到强烈反对。 +名人尽其所能帮助人们应对这种流行病。并查看最佳翻盖开关挑战。



  1. If that is how certain people can remember where and what this virus origin from then so be it as long as they are not directly discriminating against Asians. so to not add tit for tat and make things even more complicated by pointing out the less intellectual way of describing and identifying this virus is not paramount.

  2. ANYONE WHO THINKS THE #CORONAVIRUS IS REAL HAS AN IQ LESS THAN 10. A real "outbreak" would've infected the ENTIRE WORLD MONTHS AGO when this "pandemic" allegedly started. You can see who the paid shills and brainless sheep are, including all the absolute trash at Hot 97, when they dont even question why in 3 months there has only been 100 ppl who allegedly died. This never was about a virus and when it is all ACTUALLY revealed what is going on just remember all the "trusted" voices you listened to push this COMPLETE LIE.

  3. I’m half Asian… my mother is fully Korean and my daughter is mixed but looks very Asian… no trump and the rest of the pundits shouldn’t be calling the virus the ‘Chinese virus’ it’s wrong and promotes racism. Yes, it came from China, and yes China was wrong to try to misdirect the blame and lie… but for the sake of the Asian American citizens of this country we should take the high rode. They go low, we go high right? Am I perfect? No. I love to get low like the rest but he is the president and should worry about his citizens not trying to one-up China. I’m sure no sensible person believed them so why get in the mud?

  4. People just love being racist. The real reason why this thing exists is because people don't like washing their hands and hunting exotic animals (pengolins, whales, bats, lions, and etc.) illegally. Many countries do this. The ignorant parts of humanity fucked up and everyone's paying for it.

  5. I think the rich shouldn’t be the only ones to get the test! It’s ridiculous that all the rest are being wasted on these healthy ass nba stars who aren’t gonna feel any symptoms from having the Coronavirus! Most them players are gonna be asymptomatic ! There super healthy that they won’t feel anything I’m sure.. not gurentee but 90% of nba players say they feel fine. And I mean idc but for the people who want to be tested can’t.. it’s sad.

  6. The Chinese tried to blame our troops when they made it with help from a harvard professor was created for the cabal the devil worshipers the hollywood elite and trump stopped them all wake up

  7. If today was the actual end of the world most of u idiots will still spend it watching false idols instead of paying attention to family

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