

为受冠状病毒感染的美国人提供经济救济的立法将于周一前往参议院进行投票。 《家庭第一份冠状病毒应对法》将确保受影响工人的病假,并为美国人(包括未投保者)提供用于冠状病毒检测的资金。特朗普和立法者一直承受着缓解对COVID-19扩散的担忧的压力,COVID-19的扩散终止了公共生活的许多部分,迫使学校关闭,并使金融市场陷入困境。



  1. Are you in need of face mask or alcohol based hand sanitizers to keep you constantly protected? Are you having troubles with the long queues at the stores in getting your required items? Do you want to get tested at the comfort of your home with a scientifically designed Russia test kit and get result in 18 hours? Do you also need the chloroquine and Zinc Treatment Combo to keep your immune system strong and fight off the virus? If yes, then I suggest you contact this professional hacker to save you from the present world crisis. Prevention is better than cure so please stay home and quarantine yourself. I’m so happy that I got help from hacker Gavin. He is a professional online carting and medical hacker and I’m glad that I contacted him for my desired needs and necessary pandemic essentials to keep myself safe without leaving the comfort of my home. He also shipped a scientifically designed Russia test kit to my home and I got tested myself without having to go to any hospital. It is a big risk going to the hospital to get tested as lots of positive patients are out there making it easier to contact the Covid-19 virus at the hospital. All I did was share my home address with hacker Gavin and I had all my orders and medical resources shipped to my door step conveniently. You can contact this great hacker “Gavin” via Gmail  (cyberhackinggenius) or text and speak to him directly on his phone and WhatsApp : +19256795146 and don’t forget to thank me later!

  2. 1. STUPID people are the virus.
    2. There are no vaccines to help cure STUPID people.
    3. Common sense is as far away as the Big Bang that created us.
    4. I pray that hoarders, their spouses, kids, and families and loved ones are the first to contract the virus. If you really exist, God, Allah, Buddah, and all other figures of Religion, then you'll answer my prayer…
    5. WE all need this virus to infect STUPID people, especially here in the US. Time rid this world of STUPID people.
    6. The list goes on for days…

  3. This is well documented in the movie CONTAGION. think I'm kidding? From the China origin (Hong Kong) bat theory, contagion levels, shut down of a U.S. lab already working on Corona type virus and more It covers exactly everything we are experiencing with the Corona right now! Oh yeah. Watch it and your mind will be blown!! Hello!!

  4. ♥️ president Trump! Good job! wise man! Everyone else may not like you for personal reasons but when it comes to handling business he knows exactly what to do! God gave him this job whether anyone understands it it is God who sets one up or takes one down

  5. Declare a country wide fast day of repentance and revival you will see this will go as quickly as it came everyone wants to fix this on their own does anyone want to turn to GOD? Does anyone want to listen to what GOD has to say about this? Smh

  6. If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then
    will i hear from heaven and forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 chronicles 7:14 kjv this is happening because the sin is so horrendous that is causing a curse to fall on the people. Repent and watch this virus will go away


  8. This jack*** lies on national television saying that this virus was in control and that we need not to worry about it… he should have lockdown everything as soon as China had this virus announced… I thought he was for the american people.

  9. I can't believe I that people are talking about recession it's about time that our country just needs to pull together and people need to go home and stay home and work go to work if you have to and then go right straight back home stay out of the public stay out of bars stay out of restaurants stay out of stores just stay home thank you and I think our president is doing a fantastic job and our government

  10. Damn. Thank god the black guy spoke. Anyway. “I’m a millennial and I think this is pretty informative and very application friendly.” I don’t care about politics but I do care about my peers friends and family. Not much to be surprised about. Just cautious.

  11. Alguien podría extender y/o responder mis dudas porfavor ? : ¿Cuales serían las consecuencias finales de hacer todo lo contrario de lo que está pidiendo el gobierno mundial ? Ej : no salir a las calles y seguir nuestra vida . ¿La enfermedad se esparce , unos enfermamos , unos morimos ? … esta vertiente paralela en que termina ? Es así de fatalista ? Es real el miedo sembrado ? El contagio es exponencial al grado “caída de los imperios” ?
    En propaganda política se sabe que el ciudadano nunca cabrá el verdadero fin de los actos de quienes influyen en el flujo económico mundial .
    ¿Quienes son los nuevos ganadores a futuro ? Internet ? Control de datos ? Reacción masiva ? Planteamientos y exigencias a una nueva revolución industrial llamada homeoffice mundial ? Quitar atributos negativos al uso 24/7 de estar conectado a la red creando adeptos de unidad y salvación a nuestros celulares y el mundo ? digital sobre la conservación del vínculo humano presencial ?
    Si lo anterior coincide con el motivo real detrás de todo este movimiento, o alguna otra situación que nadie haya mencionado aún en redes … entonces estamos cayendo perfectamente en un proceso propagandístico mundial .
    La última vez que se hizo una jugada así de grande fue en la II guerra mundial .
    No se si imposible de descubrir , pero quien desmantelaba estas verdades era wikileaks y hoy EUA lo tiene preso .
    Gracias por cualquier respuesta ??

  12. [To deal with coronavirus in East Asia.]

    In China, Chinese government silently kills people.
    In Japan, Japanese government is expecting people would be killed silently.
    In North Korea, Kim Jeong-Un prisonizes people to be silently killed in concentration camps.
    In South Korea, South Korean government is not going to let a patient die with a police tracing system and enforces him to be pushed into a hospital even though the patient wants to commit suicide.

  13. ?? Thank You President Trump, Vice President Pence, Staff, Colleagues, Congress & Constituents for all you do. ?? May it ever be to the Honor & Glory of God & His Holy Name,???

  14. Thank you Mr. President and all Your team !! You are all working so very hard and we are very grateful for all your hard work . God Bless you Mr. President and God Bless all of your Team and God Bless America!

  15. In 1988 me and about 15 other people had contracted strep throat and influenza while going through basic training at fort dix NJ we had been sick for several days but on about the 5 day that I had this we went through the NBC testing which included going through the C/S riot control gas chamber we went in so sick that it hurt just trying to breathe but just around 2 minutes inside the gas chamber the gas had killed the strep throat and influenza we walked back out of the gas chamber infection free none of us had anymore problems no sore throat congestion pain in the lungs it was all gone my point is exposing people to C/S RIOT CONTROL GAS inside a gas chamber will kill off the virus 100 % I know that this may sound like some made up story but it happened please someone try to get the information to the president its not a joke the gas kills strep throat and influenza on contact I have tried to get this message out by posting this comment on doctors websites but you can't really get any doctors to listen because they want to see drugs I dont have any clue how to get the information to the president please pass this information on maybe someone can help get it through

  16. All of these fake viruses they make up so they can kill people and put money in their pockets and making hospital to make money they put that poison in ur body and kill u and make money they cant save no one the only one that can SAVE us is Jesus Christ he's our saviour don't believe Donald trump and his crew they don't care for real they lie all the time to put money in there pockets this been going on for years that's why they all falling

  17. Not it's hot all of the earth the devil can't run and hide or still from Jesus Christ and SACCS PEOPLE'S forever the devil is done now we can have some fun it no fun when the rabbit got gun because the devil is done

  18. SACC is the hot spot SACC spit that ? fire from his mouth to the devils work and burn it down it all come from Jesus Christ thank you JESUS CHRIST for speaking threw SACC to burn down the ? devils play ground the devil is shut down as of now turn everything over to SACC today

  19. Very strongly tested? What the hell is that? What the hell is very strongly tested as opposed to what mediocre tested? What the hell is going on here. I have always thought of this president is pretty straightforward. This is the first time I’ve seen him really actually dodging questions

  20. It’s a simple question, what was it like taking the test? Answer they stuck a swab in the back of my throat it was uncomfortable and then they got the DNA to test. But the fact of the matter is the test was never taken or he could’ve answered that question so easily. This is a straight for a president who likes to answer questions and this was a direct question that he did not answer. That is extremely telling. So the question for me is, why didn’t he take the test

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