
如果您喜欢这个VIDE,请留下一个“赞”!移动英雄联盟WILF RIFT游戏玩法!
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#lol #redmercy #leagueoflegends。

  1. first half is from the stream, second half of the video i show you guys exclusive pictures and videos + explain more about the game itself ! !

  2. The problem with faster games is that almost everyone would like to lane almost immediately. Jungling and stuff MIGHT take a back seat.
    That is what differentiates lol from ml. Hope that doesn't happen

  3. It will be released in China at first as soon as possible, and the agency is Tencent. The game is currently in testing. According to official information, they will be released in the end of 2020.

  4. I am Chinese and the mobile version is still in testing and have not public. The most powerful news from official that the most quickly League of Legends mobile versions could play at the end of 2020. Also hope can play it in quickly

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