Galaxy Note 10与iPhone 11:来自Android Expert

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今天是三星的大型Galaxy Note 10天,所以我和Android Central的执行编辑Daniel Bader一起向我介绍了所有相关信息。

Galaxy Note 10适用于谁?即使没有耳机插孔,它仍然能够满足用户和书呆子的需求吗?相机与华为相比如何?与500美元以下的手机相比,这些功能的性能如何? Galaxy Note 10将如何应对即将到来的Apple iPhone 11和Google Pixel 4?您甚至现在需要考虑5G吗?

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推特上的丹尼尔·巴德(Daniel Bader):

Galaxy Note 10动手视频: = RZhxAHSOctA

完整的Galaxy Note 10覆盖范围:



  1. The headphone guy said this is the first time Samsung released a flagship with a sd card slot. That's incorrect. The S6 was the first device without a sd card slot

  2. So… SAMSUNG was found on 1938 and Apple was found on 1976. Y’all are saying that the note 10+ is better.. but I think they have more experience and better minds now. I think that apple is better comparing the phone.. except that the GB is poor. Like really poor. Look at the forest rather than staring at one tree. I am a little disappointed in Apple.. but that’s alright. They can do better next time.

  3. We have money to buy guys sorry. S pen helps me in my daily life as programmer specially writing notes with the stylus. These guys are such losers.

  4. The regular Note 10 has more in common with most of the previous Note releases than the Note 10+ does. It’s fairly new to have such a large sized Note on the market for the few last iterations, but for most of the Note’s life…it actually shared a size similarity to the current, smaller regular Note 10.

  5. The battle never ends. Unfortunately, the note 10+ is selling so well already. There's a leak that Apple is making a Galaxy note knockoff by introducing a mini stylus for the iPhone XI

  6. Totally agree , last few years Samsung Flagships suffering from lack of improvement of camera tech from s7 compared to other brands; only Display and filthy look does not go further.

  7. I never get a phone when it comes out so if I decide on the Note 10 plus it will be probably around November/December. Prices go down. I'm also waiting for what Apple is bringing to the table.

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