
疾病预防控制中心目前将聚会的人数限制在50人以内,并且全国各地的学校,酒吧和餐馆都关闭了,因此“ The View”的共同主持人在权衡公众如何应对这种流行病。



  1. shut up BIG BRAT MEGAN. i did not like your father notat all. he is gone now move on megan shut up my son went with out insurace for months because of obama an your father.move on president trumpen the greatest happening to america .. dem are running for communist has beens. thakgod for protecting america. god bless

  2. I just saw police officers in one city instead of giving out tickets after stopping vehicles they were handing out rolls of toilet paper to people who thanked them for being great officers.

  3. COVID 19
    DIV CO 19

    Thursday, March 19th, 2⚽️2⚾️!

    Title: Who will be hurt, really at the end!

    Hi ladies!
    Sunny you're an attorney.. .

    I've sat at you guys feet for a minute….

    1. Is it wise or beneficial to hire police officers

    With less than a BS or BA degree?

    ie…. has anyone ever had to go picked up mail for someone in the building just because they were higher ups….

    2. What do you do when a police ask you a question that shows incompetency….?

    3. What is the wisest thing to do if we don't have
    A. The time
    B. The strenght
    C. The energy
    D. There's no mayor action office in your state…
    Should we constantly be walking away in silence

    According to one office in Montgomery Alabama their job description is compile of 2 things
    1. Turn the camera on
    2. Say why they are here?

    Help me please Sunny

    Luvienne Nonord

  4. They don’t have to think about toilet paper because they always had it . Everyone at that table has personal assistants to go out and buy all the things they need . Us regular people have to go out and expose are self to this virus. We hunt for hand sanitizer from store to store and find out there is none at all unless you pay $300 dollars for it on Amazon . But they have it on the table in from of them. Try standing in line for 5 hours outside of Costco hoping the products you need for your family are available . And this includes TOILET PAPER . I love all of you ladies but sometimes you ALL are out of touch . Please don’t criticize us because we buy and stock up . Everyday the White House has more and more bad news .

  5. The toilet paper thing was related to the fact that people thought they get their toilet paper from China so thought that it was going to be a shortage (not sure how much actually comes from China) it rubbed off on Canadians which is insane because we produce our own toilet paper within Canada…..THERE WONT BE A SHORTAGE unless people buy too much.

  6. I have heard a lot of young people say that they hope to be infected so they can infect and kill Boomers. This nation is very sick. The GOP has been telling people for decades that being totally selfish and self-centered is good. There is no common good. Now this madness is taking its toll.

  7. We need to have all of our essential drug and PPE (personal protection equipment) and vaccine production be in the USA. It would safeguard our medical needs and put people to work here in America. This needs to happen before the next major outbreak including a possible second round of corona when we think its run its course. The 1918 flu had a secondary outbreak which was more deadly than the first.

  8. I think the entire world needs to get together and force China to permanently close these disgusting wet markets which procuce deadly viruses every single year! Enough is enough!

  9. I was curious. Does it transmit fast from pets, and animals? Is in their fur, feathers, saliva, or others? If there is a heavy wind, how far? What is the viruses limitations?
    I think if these type of questions are answered, it might make things easier for people to understand the do’s and do nots

  10. The other day at my local Walmart a man shoved an old woman in a walker to the ground to prevent her from getting the toilet paper he wanted. The ambulance had to be called and everything. That's how badly he hurt her. Now everything has to be under lock and key. It's ridiculous. This is hurting real people.

  11. in hawaii we horde toilet paper , rice and water due to the fact that when hurricanes come through , ships stop delivering supplies for weeks and we are without electricity to cook or use refrigeration and can't open the fridge for days on end and have to worry about spoiled food. what's happening on the continent is unexplainable

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