我的英雄One’s Justice 2 Switch评论-这是学术!

《 My Hero One’s Justice 2》是2018年《 My Hero One’s Justice》的续集,它基于漫画/动漫系列《 My Hero Academia》。这是一款基于3D竞技场的格斗游戏,其中包括该系列中的角色,并且刚刚在Nintendo Switch上推出。值得得到吗?好吧,让我们找出…

#MyHeroOnesJustice2 #SwitchUp #NintendoSwitch

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  1. Again, not being a fan or having any knowledge of the show, apologies for any mistakes story-wise but I hope you'll appreciate the in-depth review nonetheless. Happy gaming. Glen

  2. I used to watch the show, but Midoriya's constant whining and crying really got on my nerves…..But I'm still all for a good fighting game on the go. Love your reviews as always! Stay safe from the Toyota virus!!

  3. Looks like they updated the set-up and modes from the first game!

    My biggest concern would be how bad are the load times? In the first game it felt like it was one minute of load time for every twoish minutes of game time if you want to play arcade mode

  4. Excellent anime, although its suffering from a bit of filler at the moment. The game looks nice, similar to the Naruto brawling series. Might pick it up if i see the physical on sale. Cheers Glen, nice one as always!

  5. Looks lovely, but as Smash bros fulfills my fighter needs I'll likely never pick this up. Today picked up Oninaki and cant wait to dive into that one instead!
    As always, thanks for the quality uploads lads!

  6. Fan games like this are usually for people who follow the series rather than new people as such. Looks interesting, worth a look, I've watched MHA at times.

  7. Great review glen! Got it when it released already beat the story doing all the customization stuff now and playing with my roommates in the free battle mode gotta say free battle mode with friends is my favorite way to play

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