如何越狱iOS 12不受限制☑️在12上安装Cydia☑️没有计算机

如何越狱iOS 12不受限制☑️在12上安装Cydia☑️没有计算机

iya!今天,我向您展示如何在不使用计算机的情况下以最简单的方式越狱ios 12!这是一个仓促的过程,所以请继续!使用这种方法,您将能够下载cydia for ios 12.0。这是初学者的推荐方法。我向您展示的ios 12.0越狱方法是全新的,并且刚刚发布。现在没有什么像2019年那样。最好的部分是它永远存在!

只需按照视频中的说明成功完成注射即可。他们实际上使任何人越狱12.0 iphone都变得非常容易。它也可以在iPad上使用!因此,安装应用程序并使其保持打开状态。并确保完全遵循每个应用程序的说明。您可能必须在游戏中达到某个特定级别或搜索关键字。



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  1. If you want money do not put the link in the screen which made me instantly close the video just let others follow the tutorial and get revenue from ads and the downloads

  2. Thanks for sharing this informative video that showing us how to jailbreak iOS 12 without using computer. It's easy to follow the steps.

  3. Great my friend, thanks for all this information, i really need it, thanks for all the effort that you do to help us. I will be looking forward to see your next videos,  thanks so much for sharing this video with us.

  4. Awesome video… i have seen on jailbreaking ios 12.
    I was always looking for doing the jailbreak without computer and found it.
    Easy and sweet!!

  5. I donot have computer. But i just jailbreak ios by using safari brower on my phone. It really works guys. Just try it. Thanks for sharing it

  6. Untethered and without computer, I needed a simple method like this to jailbreak iOS 12. It worked perfectly in my phone, so thanks for sharing this. You have a new subscriber. Greetings.

  7. Thanks for sharing this video and One of the best video about jailbreak. It is full of useful informations. Thank you very much for sharing valuable informations.

  8. Informative video about How To Jailbreak iOS 12 Untethered. I followed your step and done it. You gave all details of it and also explained how install cydia on 12 without computer. Thanks for sharing.

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