

市长比尔·德布拉西奥(Bill de Blasio)说,他之所以采取行动是因为“我们的城市正面临前所未有的威胁,我们必须以战时的心态回应”。





  1. ?*00212679620248* *Whatapps*?
    أقــدم لــكـــم رقــم الــدكــتــور?‍⚕️ الإخــتــصــاصــي الــلــي اقـتــرح عـلــي الـعــلاج الـفــعــال لــقــصــر الــقــضــيــب
    نــقــص الإنــتــصــاب✅ الــقــذف الــســريــع ✅ الــضــعــف الــجــنــســي ☑الـمـنـتـجـات مــتــوفــرة فـقـط بــالــســعــوديــة?? وقــطــر?? والامـارات?? والـعـراق?? ولــبــنــان?? والأردن?? والــكــويــت?? والــبــحــريــن?? وســلــطــنــة عــمــان??
    أحــصــلوا عــلــيــهــا الآن?*00212679620248* *Whatapps*?الـدفـع عـنـد الاسـتــلام?

  2. Every country has different culture. If you don't like the culture of another country, then f*** O** . Major wars have started that way.

  3. Are you in need of face mask or alcohol based hand sanitizers to keep you constantly protected? Are you having troubles with the long queues at the stores in getting your required items? Do you want to get tested at the comfort of your home with a scientifically designed Russia test kit and get result in 18 hours? Do you also need the chloroquine and Zinc Treatment Combo to keep your immune system strong and fight off the virus? If yes, then I suggest you contact this professional hacker to save you from the present world crisis. Prevention is better than cure so please stay home and quarantine yourself. I’m so happy that I got help from hacker Gavin. He is a professional online carting and medical hacker and I’m glad that I contacted him for my desired needs and necessary pandemic essentials to keep myself safe without leaving the comfort of my home. He also shipped a scientifically designed Russia test kit to my home and I got tested myself without having to go to any hospital. It is a big risk going to the hospital to get tested as lots of positive patients are out there making it easier to contact the Covid-19 virus at the hospital. All I did was share my home address with hacker Gavin and I had all my orders shipped to my door step conveniently. You can contact this great hacker “Gavin” via Gmail  (cyberhackinggenius) or text and speak to him directly on his phone and WhatsApp : +19256795146 and don’t forget to thank me later!

  4. China has under-reported the cases and deaths for sure. We can count on the Chinese government on this. So, China still leads. Heard on other news channels that Chinese tourists to Italy, caused the spread.

  5. While all Chinese paid a huge price to fight the virus, Western media has been smearing China, as usual. now ….

  6. That's because China dont screw around. You all should've known as it was clear as day when China barricaded people in there homes how serious it was, Van's full of the dead, crematories running 24 hrs a day. You all are to worried about the economy, worry about the people..wait till our homeless are hit here in the US. In portland you can't literally trip over them, camps everywhere. WAKE UP! And you are not locked down if you go to work…

  7. China just attacked the world with a biological weapon, they should bulldoze those wet markets and punish people who consume tainted wildlife.

  8. Actually nothing much of the truth comes out of China and as it is a totalitarian state it releases news or censors it according to its convenience..I do admit they have dealt well with post virus infection stage with somewhat draconian measures which you can only do in a non-democratic setting

  9. "Can the government save us from a plot of it's own creation" Judge Napolitano. "There were 17 terrorist attacks stopped by the government were created by the government" Judge Napolitano. They do this with terrorists attacks can they use this kind of tactic in other applications such as this one?

  10. The global cases has NOT outnumbered the cases within China. This is abject disinformation. China is severely censoring all information, media and data regarding the extremely indescribable COVID-19 wildfire spread happening within China. This cannot be emphasized enough. Media censorship and free speech lockdown will not change the indescribable horrific tragedy happening within China.

  11. The Chinese government and people have made great sacrifices to stop the virus!so sad~The USA still dare not admit it,they is the source of coronavirus.hope medicine can prove it quickly~Only in this way can we stop it from the source~Wish the World Health

  12. Yes, the USA closed down all schools now and shops and hospitals have imposed strict guideline changes for hours of operation and exactly who can been seen at hospitals. But HARDLY ANYONE is being tested for COVID-19. So please share with us HOW our government is coming up with their “official numbers of sick and dead?” I’m not buying it! The numbers MUST BE much higher than being reported.

  13. Just wanna clarity one thing: the Coronavirus is not eased in mainland China. Don’t be fooled by Chinese communist regime with their fabricated numbers. The second round outbreak was already in place in small cities or towns not too far away from the city of Wuhan. Beijing has rebuilt its medical facilities used back to SARS outbreak. Nothing is actually getting better in China.

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