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  1. cosplay means costume play. it is just a costume but it seems like most cosplay people put more effort into their look to look closer to the source material. Kind of like e3 and saying your favorite game is Halo. You get looks because it is an entry level equal to just buying a Halloween costume.

  2. What??? Just wipe your phone with a disinfectant wipe and call it a day!! It’s really not that hard to do and I doubt it won’t hurt your waterproof phone

  3. hi lew, down under in argentina, big fan. i'm a doctor here and we are doing as much as we can to try to minimize all major activities< cinema, any event that gaders a small group of people it;s been closed , the futbol, dinners, bars, and right now we are in summer so we are growing consciousness, and all the people are incredibly united. sadly whe have to wait for something like these to really understand that as you allways says … what a time to be alive.

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  4. This is such a stupid issue and topic to be listening to. Although he doesn't want to mention it, this all has to do with the bullshit Coronavirus which is just another form of the flu that has been around for a decade now. The other fact that the FAKE NEWS media is NOT mentioning is that there are worst viruses that are out there that can do more damage. I can go on and on about this topic. My advice, Just ignore all the bullshit hysteria that is being made by the FAKE NEWS MAINSTREAM MEDIA (don't get me wrong, I'm in no way saying that the coronavirus doesn't exist) and go on with your normal life. Just practice normal hygiene that your parents taught you during the early years of your life and most importantly practice CELIBACY or just safe sex, I know that it's hard to do, but that is the reason GOD invented wallets and purses to hide your condoms. No French kissing! You don't know what's been in that mouth before kissing that person! You don't need to spend any money because of these BOZO FCKNG CLOWNS on the news or YouTube. Here are the two rules I've learned while in the Marine Corps. #1: Never believe the Mainstream Media. Because the media today CREATE the news NOT report the news. #2: If it's coming from our Government then there's an ulterior motive (Hidden Agenda). For example; Bill Clinton – Monica Lewinsky = Stolen laptops from Pentagon(Chinese), 9/11 = Loss of Freedoms, Liberties, and Privacy (this is without going into a lot of detail). it's always the same practice. they keep telling the American people, Look at the monkey – Look at the monkey! and then something else is happening or will happen, and believe me, it's never good. Always ask questions, be skeptical. Remember, These politicians work for you, me, and us. We The People. Just food for thought.

  5. I bet Apple is now preparing an iPhone disinfection device that they'll sell for $1,000. Oh and it's a piece of cloth with a bottle of ethyl alcohol.

  6. I have a glass protector on my phone. I've always use the pre packaged alcohol wipes. Clean people know this. This should not be a new revelation ? Nasty people are the ones scrambling

  7. The reception desk at my gym has hand sanitizer, so when I’m leaving I slap on the hand sanitizer on my phone and give it a good rub.

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