带有Chimera的tvOS 12上的越狱Apple TV 4!没有iOS 12.3或4K(KODI及更高版本)

如何越狱Apple TV 4 tvOS 12!免费安装Raid OS IOS:https://clik.cc/ayT8X✅ANDROID:https://clik.cc/sHIaY从?50K银币开始,并参加特别启动比赛,有机会赢取奖品

适用于NitoTV,Kodi等的Chimera越狱iOS 12.1.1!亚视第四代下载和教程在这里:➡️https://besttechinfo.com/jailbreak-apple-tv-4-tvos-12/?

请注意,这不支持tvOS 12.1.2-tvOS 12.3或Apple TV 4K。这仅支持UP TO tvOS 12.1.1。请继续关注更多Apple TV越狱指南,包括有关KODI,nitoTV和其他Apple TV 4越狱调整的信息。

———– —–更多越狱的东西——————

1.如何越狱iOS 12-12.1.2:

How to Jailbreak A12 on iOS 12 – 12.1.2 with Chimera

2. iOS 12-12.1.2越狱更新:https://bit.ly/iOS12JailbreakUpdates

3. iOS 12.3越狱状态检查器页面:https://besttechinfo.com/jailbreak-ios-12.2-and-12.3/

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  1. Hi Tony. Cool video. I like your production standard. I don't have an apple computer. Is there a way to jail break the AppleTV without that setup? No way to load Chimera straight onto the Apple Tv?

  2. SOS. I've jailbreaked my apple tv 4 with tvos 12.4 with Chimera. I've tried to unjailbreak it with itunes to upgrade to tvos 13 and an error ocurred during the proccess. I've tried to restore again with itunes but the apple tv set on restoration mode during 10-15 seconds and then itunes shows a message error 10. If I turn the apple tv on, the white led flashes fastly and I can see on tv a message error with a yellow alert. What can I do?

  3. I’ve tried but it won’t let you jailbreak unless you have a developer’s account, which is $99. Yeah I give up, I’m not going to spend that type of money for it

  4. Regarding the installed applications, Popcorn time for example, if the 7 days pass and apple tv does not restart, I do not need to reinstall the application as happens without jailbreak?

  5. This douchebag won't answer any of you he forgets you guys are the people that got him to the subscriber amount that he has he's being a little bitch and we'll never respond to you so don't even bother he's just sitting in the corner fingerin his ass

  6. @ iCrackUridevice Is there a way to jailbreak an apple tv 4k Gen 5. It is missing the the USB C only has power and HDMI? Is there are way to jailbreak?

  7. Need os 12.0 jailbreak for 4K no dice 🙁

    My tv screen was unplugged and I sat on remote and pushed for it to update one day didn't even notice when 12.0 was the newest os really pissed me off how much it prompts you to update even when you set auto updates to off. I went though some trouble to make sure I got 11.2 when I bought it.

  8. WHY? Why do this? For a game? As if there aren’t enough. World health org just classified gamers with a mental disease. This process opens your hardware to outside viruses. And it might work 6 months before Apple releases an update mainly addressing new global computer viruses. Then you get to wait again for another jailbreak. If your lucky enough not to have crashed your nice new device. Or worse yet open a doorway into your home and other devices on the same network where they can steal all your banking info and identify which will fuck you for life. But go ahead, lol. Enjoy your flappy birds. Millennials are the most in debt generation in history, hmm I wonder why?

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