PS5不如Xbox Series X强大

PS5是官方的,…在Xbox Series X上无法完全挂起。
我们的Xbox Series X动手操作和拆卸down
PS5可以击败Xbox Series X吗? ?

我们的第二个频道@This is!

  1. Well definitely there’s some deeper strategy for not making PS5 the powerful console. Maybe Cerny is not targeting the short term sales but going for the home run.

    We can surely assume that there might be a nvidia 3series graphics card already in their stack and they might tease it maybe some time in the next 2 years. This will create a generation leap and games will become more graphically intensive. Same is what happened in this generation with two additional consoles coming out mid gen.

    There will surely be a PS5 upgrade console this mid gen as well which might beat XBox in every possible way and might turn out to be the world’s most powerful console which will be able to sustain 4k 60 with all graphical fidelity.

  2. I think that this time they're not going to care about speed…. They are just got to care about the games…. And the lead that PS4 had people are going to stick to the PlayStation… I am a big Xbox fan… But I still think that the PlayStation is going to be the Xbox….

  3. PS5: not as powerful as the XBOX-SX but somehow performs the same and costs less. Just like the PS4, people will always buy the best value for money. PS5 WINS! 🙂

  4. Am I the only one who is worried about games being good and complete more than having a stronger console? I mean ps has a good number of games with and w/o microtransactions and a few half baked games meanwhile Xbox has a lot of half baked games with microtransactions, some of them are aggressive, and all their flag ship titles have them. I honestly think Xbox is going to lose another generation because they are just to dam greedy.

  5. Would be nice if people would post real information instead of "my console is better, secret sauce" it will come down to games like it always had been one X was more powerful than Ps4 pro. And price. Price and games

  6. AMDs last series of cards ran super hot which is a reason why they didn't compete with nvidia in the high end market. So…unless AMD learned how to cool their GPUs. Might benefit the lower end PS5

  7. There is one thing people aren't considering. Heat and power. Last time Xbox was the most powerful red ring of death. How they going to cool that powerful of a GPU. I firmly see RROD again for MS.

  8. Xbox more powerful but i can play all their main games on pc. So i can save my money. Playstation main games only on ps n also alot better games.

  9. For me it's about the games, so im sticking by playstation. I rather have slightly less powerful console to play games i like, than more powerful console to play games i dont like.

  10. Doesn't matter, my friends will most likely be on PS5, so I will be too. The slight performance difference really doesn't warrant me switching platforms. If people cared about it that much, they'd have built a PC long ago 😀

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