

当今的移动用户希望更快的数据速度和更可靠的服务。下一代无线网络(5G)有望提供更多功能。借助5G,用户应该能够在一秒钟内下载高清电影(在4G LTE上该任务可能需要10分钟)。无线工程师说,这些网络也将促进其他新技术的发展,例如自动驾驶汽车,虚拟现实和物联网。



  1. Is this the wireless networks version of corona virus? Or can we refer to it as AT&T/Verizon Kung Flu Virus causing massive oversubscription.

  2. Lower frequencies travel longer distances. This is why you always hear that jackass playing his bass so loudly and obnoxiously in your neighborhood. Millimeter waves don't travel well, true. Which means more towers to transmit them. More towers pushing more power at shorter distances means you're going to go batfuck insane and probably die of radiation poisoning over time. But hey, let's just all call it "COVID-19" and we'll just chalk you up as another dead case. Sorry, not the telecom companies' faults. No one to sue.

  3. 5G will play havoc on our immune systems. We will get sick along with all living things. be very wary of government/ corporations research. They are lying. We believe they have our best interests in mind…. really? look around..they couldn't give a s**t about us. Want 5G so you download faster and be more convenient ??…really. Stand up against this bullshit

  4. Tesla have solved these issues… by having Bluetooth in every phone… Once everybody has the gadgets in the phones, it can connect the whole World for free… and 5G, out of the greed, have some viruses induced all around the area where people are using Bluetooth connectivity….

  5. So the higher frequency electromagnetic radiation that causes cancer and lower sperm count is a risk the whole population is going to take because we want our service to be a little faster after EVERYONE goes out and HAS to buy a new phone to even have service after they're installed? No thanks

  6. The producer of this content is simply using the talking points of telecommunication company's…no word on the biological effects. This is everything you don't need to know and is nothing about what needs to be known.

  7. Yes, 5G will be fast, strong, and whatever you want but, don’t let this distract you from the fact that 5G, the waves it emits affects our body in many ways and it can distract oxygen and leads to reduction . You know the after effects of less oxygen. ( It’s hard to explain and accept something to a genius, but it’s impossible to explain and accept to a fool )

  8. "…the internet of things and stuff we can't even yet imagine…" One of those may be new 5G telemedicine tech, possibly enabling [almost] instant coronavirus testing, for example.

  9. The government is forcing everyone to get the 5G by slowing down our 4G to kill us off, search up 5G affects on the body!!! It has high radio-frequency radiation to improve your phones but their not telling you the risk it can do to your body!!!

  10. I am awake every night for 3+ hrs. It's 5G its smart meters in my mega 120 unit apt. I take CBD and Melatonin I need weed to get to sleep.

  11. Imagine that 5G uses facial recognition and you are tracked everywhere and anywhere you go. Imagine that you cannot OPT OUT of the system and you are enslaved for the rest of your pitiful existence…Wow 5G, you really are something to behold !

  12. Im still educating my self on this but, key word: "Experimenting on this." Im not saying 5G is bad, but we should do some testing before its "too late"

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