Android 11概念

认识Android Moon。

歌曲-Da Vosk Docta-Moet雨滴。


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该视频只是一个概念,旨在可视化Android 11的外观。 。

  1. Hopefully android 11 will bring a hole new design interface to devices. I actually like the idea of transparent everything but only for phone, contacts, messaging, gallery, settings, calendar, videos, and apps that would make sense having a transparent background where you would still be able to see the wallpaper to what ever you change it to. Chrome, facebook, YouTube, and things like that wouldn't be transparent. They would be like they are now and adjust to the light or dark theme. Whatever google and samsung does, hopefully android 11 R will look even cleaner and cooler than android 9 and 10 looks. I definitely think we need a refresh on design. Especially when it comes to one ui on Samsung. It's great but one ui could be way better. Hopefully android 11 makes one ui completely different and better than it is now.

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