
约翰·霍普金斯大学的专家估计,全球已有79,000多名冠状病毒患者从该疾病中康复。从冠状病毒中恢复的人们称其与流感“甚至无法相比”,并报告呼吸困难和发烧。塔拉·纳鲁拉(Tara Narula)博士与少数从冠状病毒中康复的人交谈,包括一名妇女,她声称自己发烧是如此之高,导致幻觉。 。

  1. Im not denying the symptons and im really glad that this people are recovering God bless them, but realistically there is exageration her. This simptons are nothing new. Cancer and aids will still be way worse then the actual corona virus.

  2. When are people going to stop believing in this fairy tale that a god exists??? fuckig church choir..what a slap in the face…????

  3. It's the flu people… How they call coronavirus when they don't know how to cure it. But know people got it. I believe false positives for when they got the flu. And calling it corona

  4. Reports from italy "20 year olds frothing pink fluid from the mouth from degenerative lung tissue"
    Reports from Asia and Cdc "may cause reinfection? Cloriquine causes blindness? "
    Dont worry im sure our competent media isnt lying to us

  5. Last time I herd ..all sickness that go away ( on it's on) comes back with a vengence .. then what will happen? Not being those people are not healed but ticking time bombs

  6. I believe some people actually caught Covid-19 from the testing sites. If you can breathe properly but still think you have it, just rest, drink lemon/turmeric/honey tea, and/or green tea, green smoothies w/blueberries spinach, blackberries and strawberries. Avoid soda… it weakens your immune system for a few hours. Lots of rest and proper nutrition builds it up!! Exercise to help keep your lungs strong(cardio). You can go for a bike ride, a job or run or run in place at home… jumping-jacks etc. Wear your mask when you leave your home. Wear gloves too. Wash your hands and avoid touching your face. When you go back home. Take off all your clothes and shower. Even wash your hair. I work in Newark and New York so I will be taking more days off this week. The numbers are high in those areas.

  7. That felt scripted, like they said what they wanted to say given the objective and not actually feeling it out to respond appropriately. Also this isn't new news, china have been dealing with it longer and are able to tell us all this months ago

  8. The people speaking are overweight. One thing America has working against it is many citizens being fat. The extra weight, along with smoking, sugar, stress etc, contributes to inflammation. Whereas we put all the blame on the virus itself, let's be honest here, a lot of the dead lived bs lifestyles. Europe is full of smokers. Americans eat bs food, and China has bs regulations because they want money etc. At the end Your first line of defense is your own immune system, once u disrespect it, you'll suffer from many things.

  9. I personally talked to AN in a group, and she was not promptly told anything. She was told not to come into the doctors office despite trouble breathing. The telehealth (maybe not the same, but she said a virtual dr) was supposed to call her back the night of but didn’t (this is after already having 5 days + of a high fever). It took her an extreme amount of fighting to get anything at all. The doctors when they saw her gaslighted her and told her she did not have a fever so they could discharge her although she’d been running one consistently, had a high fever in the ambulance on the way there and also showed to have one with the thermometer they left in the room. Most people probably would’ve given up on her situation. It’s absolutely disgusting what she’s gone through and it’s a good thing she’s okay and recovered. They didn’t even tell her husband to quarantine. Everything was voluntary.

  10. The Corona virus is like The Weapons of Mass Destruction. They both don't exist. It's an experiment to see the reaction of the public to a perceived threat. It is a mission to dismantle medium/small sized businesses and to keep the poor poor. A step further to establish a holistic new world order.

  11. If I had a high temp and symptoms they claim goes on with this I wouldn't be talking nor doing an interview. Especially without a mask……just saying.

  12. ?I have the million dollar question. Can we get it twice like a cold or the flu????? once we get better, are we susceptible to catching it again from another person??? What will happen when airports re-open. What if, what if, what will happen if after all it’s over and someone out there still sick and travels…. Will this start all over again???JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL?⛑

  13. Please guys seak forgiveness from God before it's to late.resite morning and evening supplications.give sadqa.recite 300 time Allah ho Akbar morning and evening.
    who believes in God save them.

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