
了解如何绘制平方根函数的图形。与其他函数一样,要绘制平方根函数的图,我们首先绘制父函数的图(即f(x)= x的平方根的图),然后将所需的变换应用于父图。这给出了所需的图。我们可以使用值表来绘制父函数的图形。所需的转换可以是膨胀,压缩,拉伸和移位。
#radicals #graphradicals。

  1. I suppose if nothing else this is mental exercise.. which is good…but doing math without a practical end result is like pissing in the wind. For the people that aren't going to be engineers couldn't they just be required to take advanced history and philosophy courses and skip the math? please?

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