
https://www.google.com/search/howsearchworks | Google查询的寿命不到1/2秒,并且涉及很多步骤,才能看到最相关的结果。这就是全部的运作方式。 。

  1. "We don't ever accept payment to improve a site's ranking"
    Then……why are there websites on the very top clearly marked as ads? That's….accepting payment to make a site higher on the list than it otherwise would be, is it not?

  2. Not ALL pages are displayed on the web although I've noticed in Google Sites you can make it so it's not on Google although that doesn't mean you can't type the URL.

  3. This guy is a fkn liar .. I just paid them to make sure our company gets put to the top of the searches lol that means search is easily flawed because we can pay for the search results .

  4. Yes, but how does it go through so many pages so fast? There are millions of results for each search and it takes less than a second. What kind of technology do you use:)

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