
随着在美国冠状病毒的传播日益恶化,约翰·奥利弗(John Oliver)讨论了政府如何应对疫情,如何应对疫情以及我们可以采取哪些措施。


订阅“今晚的最后一周” YouTube频道,了解几乎所有即将发生的新闻:www.youtube.com/lastweektonight




  1. PS to my earlier comment: if you and your wife run out of topics of conversation…ask her about Ft Sam. All medics (or used to) spend time at Ft Sam, and everyone usually smiles when Ft Sam mentioned. Lots of fun, I am sure she has stories. It wasn't quite like the 70's, but sorta close:) Everyone has stories from Ft Sam.

  2. John, if you haven't already seen it, this is a great time to watch Servant of the People on Netflix, Zelinsky's school teacher to president is the president we all wish we had. Season 2 in English on You Tube, haven't found final third season in English. Maybe if all you guys watch it, they will put a translated version up. I have sent this same message to the other hosts in the past hour, as I have never caught any of you saying they had actually watched it. Netflix let's you watch with friends now, at the same time. That would be fun. Shout out to your wife, my husband and I were both Army Medic's (91b, 91c) back in the last century. Carry on!

  3. Should I feel bad that I'm more reassured by a man that could never be president than I am by the guy who actually is?

    FYI, I let my 7 year old decide our YouTube name. I mean, I'm definitely weird but not Paul love Zombies 2 weird.

  4. Gimme a break John Oliver, you fuckiing panderer. Gotta have your show in a sterile environment because most of your audience are lunatics,; if you did it from a set, they'd be upset for not taking it seriously enough. You're helping to incite a panic over nothing. No longer a fan.

  5. 30 seconds is not going to be enough to express frustration for millions of people i.e. in Europe who lost their jobs after their employers went bankrupt and there will be no new ones to hire them, because the whole sectors are going to fall into ruin due to government-ordered shutdowns tha were devised as a hysterical response to a virus that only threatens lives of seriously ill people (mostly elders) who still refuse to apply themselves to the safety rules and run around coughing and sneezing at each other getting themselves ill and, eventually very often, dead.
    I've lost my job, I've lost the chance to get joy from my biggest passion that is football (there is a large chance that my football club is going to go bankrupt in result as well), I am not allowed to see anyone and I could only get out to buy some food (as long as I could still afford it, but how long really?) I live enclosed within 4 walls. I have no symptoms, I am young, healthy but I do not live, I VEGETATE. And soon I might lose even those 4 walls and everything else. It's not fair, and it's not worth it. Just shoot me already, I have no reason to live anymore.
    But people like you will never understand it. Your job is not threatened, you are in no financial danger, you can afford drugs and medical care, you will not get evicted for inability to pay your rent, your employer will not go bankrupt or reduce your work hours. Rich and powerful will never understand the ordinary people, but they will always be the first to advise them how to live and how to feel.

  6. Hey John, at least you go to say every presenter's wet dream: "We'll be back some day after this horrific acopalyse!"
    Seriously, stay safe everyone! C'ya…

  7. Why is everyone so much more worried about the 10K corona deaths then the 100K normal flu deaths? 100K deaths seems a lot worse than 10K. Also its not like it is a new disease, coronaviruses have made up between 5% and 15% of all flu cases in all previous years, which this year falls straight into the middle of too.

  8. Humor is good medicine. Thank God for comedians. This COVID19 virus must never happen again! Maybe the time has come for everyone on earth to get up to date with the 21st century, and stop living in prehistoric times eating things like bats, cockroaches, scorpions, spiders, eels, monkeys,… even dogs, cats, horses,… There is a good reason why highly advanced countries like Australia, the USA, Canada, UK, Japan, Germany… have rules and regulations on issues like building codes and public safety standards. When large populations of people dump their feces and urine out side their homes, that's a public safety hazard and a dangerous environment for diseases… to emerge! When large populations of people dump their feces and urine into fresh water lakes, streams, rivers, or into grounds where dangerous bacteria could accidentally soak into water tables where other people might dig to get fresh drinking water, there is a big public safety hazard! Likewise, the Chinese government must have a Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control to greatly enforce rules and regulations that create safe food and drugs and disease free environments! They did not do that at the Wuhan Seafood market.

  9. Please crew, make a show about Brazil situation and their inconsequential government, who’s supported by Trump. They’ve perpetrated the same mistakes or even worst, spreading misinformation. Last week they’ve announced less than 40 dollars per month as help to informal employees, which is ridiculous even for Brazilians standards. Also look after Malafaia’s discourse to his misinformed followers. These guys should go to jail and have their money paying for the consequences of their false statements on other peoples lives. Forgive my bad English. I admire your work. Best regards!

  10. What these elitist tax cheating liberals are really saying when they pretend from their mansions theya re like you is…GET TRUMP GET TRUMP, Whatever cost, Get Trump. The left RELISHES the b4shing of the US. So remember that when you are living the COST of Open BOrders. THe ACLU and the Left dont care about you. Only that the borders stay open so YOUR money and YOUR lives are burdened with enabling SHTHOLE thord world despots. Because the world is OUR burden, right. Cheers

  11. The energy has been vacuumed. The crowd helps sell the news
    and helps bring life to the jokes that are interspersed within. All of my favorite late night shows feel off balance. I still appreciate that you are still trying to get it done. Cheers.

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