iOS 12.3越狱更新:Beta 12.3的新功能和警告!

iOS 12越狱iOS 12.3更新:新的Beta功能,如何下载,更新警告以及更多信息!将我们的A12越狱状态检查器页面添加为书签在这里:

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  1. You literally can’t make a video without a clickbait title can you? “iOS 12.3 jailbreak update” there hasn’t even been discussion of a concept jailbreak for 12.3 you view whore

  2. Hey Tony just wondering where is the link for the developers beta iOS I couldn’t find it below in the description thanks appreciate it

  3. Fuck the jail break , I waited forever ! Decided to update . Why have a 1300 iPhone with old firmware , Apple was smart implanting new firmware requirements for there new tech , such as air pods 2 & air power .

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