

Trainiac Gear:http://gear.triathlontaren.com



  1. love love LOOOVEEEEEE this video!
    As a guy who love training but have huge amount of hours at the office, Im happy to see such videos of you.
    I use to do a year and a half ago, when I was at the best shape of my life (as I thought at least) 2:44 bike split. now, with 2 training on weekdays and one more leisure on weekend I actually managed to do 2:13 in a race when I wanted to "keep my legs for the run".

    kep doing what you're doing coz you do it just GREAT!
    Hope you will qualify to Kona as I really see you get there soon…
    I might be there. as a supporter only (COMMON, I have 41 mins PB on the 1.9km swim lol)

  2. About to hit 100K, congratulations. Is it true you’re giving your Ventum One to the 100 thousandth subscriber 🙂

  3. I couldn't agree more. I find cyclists are notorious for this, always trying to race each other and biking way too hard. This morning I had to drop out of a group ride because I wasnt feeling 100% during the week and the fact that we were riding for 100km and all went out way too fast (30-35km per avg) on the flats, I just really don't want to dig myself a hole and then have to grind myself in the last 30km back. I feel like saying can't we all just chill and actually enjoy the ride?

  4. Don't worry about the gnarly negative comments Taren, it usually comes from Athletes who have a god complex or they are just running low on serotonin and testosterone. Keep up the good work, it's appreciated 😉

  5. TT, out of curiosity, how much of the 54% increase was attributed by the progress in your power and how much was attributed from money spent (bike, fitting, gear, etc)?

  6. Congrats a few days early on 100k subscribers!! I’ve been here almost from the beginning and still pick up little nuggets here and there from your content. Congrats on your success and don’t pay attention to these people who have nothing better to do than complain. This just in…… advertising makes Tarens’ vids possible and is his means of income.

  7. Got your swim book Taren! It has helped a lot on my swims! Going for Waco 70.3 in 2021. Giving myself as much time as possible! And doing what people call beginner friendly half. But also going for Daytona Challenge in 2020

  8. Usually really like your videos but this is a bit ridiculous. Yes you probably have trained well and you are trying to sell your book but to not at least mention the approximately 10k bike you are now on is a bit ridiculous

  9. Do the team traniac workouts include this sort of approach- ie, lots of low intensity with higher intensity sprinkled in? Are the weekly set of workouts designed this way?

  10. Spot on. I have improved in all 3 phases after taking a year off. With the right training knowledge and patience, rewards can be reaped. I’m doing the 80/20 training now for the first time and Iwill be signing up with you Trainiacs after IMStG as I set my focus on Challenge Daytona.

  11. I don’t compete, but will say after putting low hr training in place on the bike last year, along with short intense sessions i was amazed at how good i felt and the pace i could sustain when out riding. I was dropping buddies who trained just as much but always train in the zone.

  12. Bla bla marketing crap. Anyone with a bit more experience understands. Sad for the newbies. Show us any significant wattage improvement over last years if any at all.

  13. Agreed on the training groups. Training alone sucks at first but it's much more efficacious if you're a motivated individual. Once you reap the benefits of sticking with the program and making marginal sustainable gains over a long period of time you start to prefer it.

  14. Thats all great, and I am looking for you progress with big interest! But your last several 70.3 races bikes were all at 230 watts average (in last 2 or 3 years), so what progress are we speaking about? (going to longer distance (Ironman) and executing it perfectly, is, of course, great progress). Better equipment, different, faster course, many factors influence the speed. I am really interested how you can bike 2:13 per 90 K without increased wattage, many people need close to 300 W to do it! I was recently impressed by 1:52 bike split of Blummenfelt in Bachrein but looked at the race video, looks like most part of the distance they get the drag from uninterrupted stream of cars going through the next lane, and drafting control was practically non-existent, and the course was shorter, was disappointed a bit, found his strava and found he averaged like 300 W, compare it to Sanders 360 average over 90 K at different races! That was probably was long easy ride for him.

  15. What kind of bike were you on in your first race? You definitely have increased fitness, but on a bike split where you averaged 16mph in an Olympic, it REALLY makes me wonder what kind of bike you were on. lol

  16. This will be my first year trying low heat rate training, I'll be getting your book for the bike and swim too I'm sure. I'll also be starting my 2 week team trainiac membership trial, and will likely sign up permanently!

  17. You’re comparing bike splits of different races? ? compare you’re Wattage of the races. That’s what’s comparable, not the time of different races

  18. Works for me. With an arthritic knee, my run is diabolically slow… But I swim well and bike ok. Common advice "work on your weakness". Well, in my last HIM I ran slightly longer than I biked. All the work in the world isn't gong to significantly improve my run due the physical limitation of the knee, but I could get another 20mins on the bike possibly with some significant focus (My 50m TT time is about 20:00 faster than my paced HIM bike (but 8k shorter)). Biking also easier on the knee. I think you've released me a bit! Cheers.

  19. Love this! Great advice. I ride with a some guys that are always trying to drop me. Usually they can in the beginning, but by the end of the long ride I'm often times seen being the one pulling us back home. The long endurance rides I have under my belt are much more effective than the weekend warrior training plan. It's really hard to convince some people that you have to train in the lower heart rate zones to build that base needed to go long and hard eventually. I guess science doesn't override ego. LOL Keep in mind, I'm good at pointing this out to people because I'm super efficient on the bike, but when it comes to running I'm like them, except I'm aware I need to train slow and boring during my runs for now. ?

  20. Another great vid. I'm doing my first HIM (Galveston 70.3) scheduled April 5 (assuming not postponed). Since I'm new, I don't have a tri/tt bike (too much $ for just getting started). I also don't have power meter (again $). I do track my HR. Can you address pacing? My thought is to stay in the upper zone 2, because I don't want to ruin my legs for the run. My training is 10-13 hours/week, except in recovery weeks. I'm just 4 weeks out. How should I do my bike pacing?

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