

在此版本的《 Elementor在线杂志》中的深入文章中详细了解速度和页面加载时间:

▸SiteGround | https://www.siteground.com
▸WP引擎| https://wpengine.com/
▸飞轮| https://getflywheel.com/
▸阿帕奇| https://www.apache.org/
▸MySQL | https://www.mysql.com/
▸PHP | https://www.php.net/
▸Nginx | https://www.nginx.com/
▸MariaDB | https://mariadb.org/

▸Pingdom | https://royal.pingdom.com/page-load-time-really-affect-bounce-rate/
▸SiteGround | https://www.siteground.com/datacenters
▸Imperva | https://www.imperva.com/learn/performance/what-is-cdn-how-it-works/
▸Dreamhost | https://www.dreamhost.com/blog/beginners-guide-vps/
▸金斯塔| https://kinsta.com/knowledgebase/what-is-apache/
▸Google | https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/performance/why-performance-matters

艾伦·阿尔康(Allan Alcorn)创作的“乒乓”,由雅达利(Atari)出版,1972年

获取Elementor Pro:https://elementor.com/pro/


  1. hahaha you guy talk nonsense and have NO CLUE what you are talking about. "Some experts" WHo the f***k they are ? Because you seriously need to change your "experts" sources.

  2. Here's what helped us with https://liftedwebsites.com/

    1. use elementor, (template) no theme
    2. switched from siteground to WPengine (google cloud server) now Siteground is moving or has moved to Google cloud server I believe and they weren't at the time
    3. use cloudflare cdn
    4. use autoptimize/WP rocket lazy load plugins
    5. reduce as much of the 3rd party codes as you can
    6. within autoptimize use shortpixel image optimizer and its plugin that connect to it.

    Hope this helps others looking for more of a guide or steps..

  3. hello, everything is fine, everything is fine with me, and the following I downloaded a virtual store owned by your company in my research, but I came across some problems, one of which I already found the solution. But the site I intend to set up here in Brazil will need some features, which I do not know yet if it already exists in the plugins market. Thinking about my difficulty, I decided to ask those who already work in the market and have knowledge in the area.

    First question: Is there a plugin that I can click on within your Rife free theme that I can make like this site 🙁 https://www.atualcard.com.br/) Note, that make my site as similar as possible like the one mentioned above. I have more questions on how to purchase other plugins to better develop and enable good customer service … But first if you can help me by answering my question, I will be very happy and grateful to God and you. Answer there please if it exists or not.

    Thank you. God bless you

  4. Thanks a lot Elementor. I have faced a problem when I Install elementor pro version and click edit with elementor all the widget take too much time to work .

  5. I tried wprocket with cloudflare and perfmatters on my elementor/woocommerce site but it still was taking more than 4 seconds to load. I am using siteground's basic plan which may be the main issue.

  6. Sorry, I personally didn't find the video useful at all, especially if this is supposed to be a "masterclass" But I can give you all some great advice from my own experience.
    I had already highly optimized my site with predominantly WP Rocket, Asset CleanUp Pro: Page Speed Booster, ShortPixel Image Optimizer.
    It is an eCommerce site with around 300 products and my page speed was 1.5 to 2.5 seconds fully loaded.
    Being nitpicky and never 100% satisfied :), I really wanted to completely customize the woo commerce pages and improve the design, (which were already customized to my liking with Elementor Pro) so I purchased the Jet Woo Builder plugin suite, which is quite an amazing tool.
    It looked fantastic unfortunately, it added 8 seconds to my page load speed and at least 100 more requests!
    I spent the next two days uninstalling the Jet Woo Builder and hand-coding (mainly CSS) all the templates so I had exactly the same look and design, but without the plugin.
    Basically, the motto here is to get rid of unnecessary plugins. They are the biggest speed killers of all. Plus keep everything (database Esp) squeaky clean.
    My site now fully loads in 1.5 seconds on average.
    Main thanks go to (WP Rocket, Asset CleanUp Pro Page Speed Booster, ShortPixel Image Optimizer)
    I hope this helps everyone, especially if you are building woo commerce stores.

  7. The page speed is one of the lowest ranking factors, so your statement of the SEO importance is not correct there. Of course if is very important to the visitors, as they hate slow sites.

  8. Google and gtmetric complain hat elementor generates dozens of single Js/css Files instead of minifying and inlining this information.
    Elementor should speed up here because minifying using 3rd party Addons often breaks elementor functionality.

  9. What beginners do not realise is the choice from the start of a fast web host is the most important choice, as changing hosts, DNS, email accounts is laborious and risky. Glad you ended with a hint towards that.

  10. It is really good that Elementor brought this up . I optimized my site pretty well.

    Here are some question i really want to ask –
    1. Why Elementor add so much bloat to the site. if you're using Free version of Elementor then you have less bloat to maintain but if you use Pro version then you're in deep trouble.

    2. Why elementor combine all the css into one stylesheet instead of creating into small file ( This might overwhelmed newbie) but for those who want speed it is really good and helpful. So we can remove unused CSS using Asset management plugin. And better for critical CSS and unused CSS.

    Now we can't if you disable frontend.min it will disable everything. Having an option in advanced setting to split all the css ,it will be really helpful . If you see Frontend.min it will also include – woocommerce, etc

    3. I wish most of the elementor 's JS are not dependent to jQuery .

  11. WP Rocket is amazing for speeding up WordPress sites, does most of the work for you and use it in conjunction with Imagify, serve WebP images. Use Cloudflare free CDN package, takes a few minutes to setup

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