与乔恩·卡巴特·辛(Jon Kabat-Zinn)的正念

Jon Kabat-Zinn在Google主持了有关正念的会议。 。

  1. @51:57 You can't be a "mindful meditator" for almost a certain amount of years and still manage to not grasp the basics. What the brother was talking about can easily be understood in many aspects of life. For example in your current situation what did it take to work towards the position you have in google? I bet many sleepless nights, working on your craft, studying, eating well, not eating well, sleeping and not sleeping to reach your goal. Now that you are there what are you doing to continuously challenge yourself? Once you have arrive, what other mountains did you construct for yourself? If you haven't, why not? That is what he means by taking a cold shower, discipline, etc.

  2. My diseases are bipolair disorder , schizophrénia , obseesive compulsif disorder and tardive dyskinesia in the same time . I tried since 2014 the méditation in a specific way and I note real serenity on my temper ,also a relaxation of my stressed muscle . Moreover ,I note that I am able to do a self evaluation of my health which permet me to understand the origin of my schizophrénia which is my fear of the reactions of other which push me to try avoiding disagreement with them by being cohérant and avoid lying .finally , I suggest to people to do the médition but it should be in the right way

  3. Awareness is we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Awareness is, there is only one way to Heaven and that is through Jesus Christ the Son of God. I think Mr Zin uses his meditation/mindfulness to keep himself from being obedient to a higher power. He is very intelligent and helpful but I don’t know if he is aware that this helps people navigate around the use of the owners manual (Bible). Awareness has the word war in it and I think his/this teaching helps people go to war against the word of God. The future is very important, it has to be more than a goal, it should be a lifestyle.

  4. Always practice mindfulness. I've been practicing Zazen meditation for nearly twelve years. It helps with my Anxiety and Depression….it calms my inner storm.

  5. Well, finally got this to play and started listening. So far might be of interesting by those determined to lead a sedentary life. Otherwise many folks have things like hobbies – even the briefly mentioned rowing. Seems to me there in would lie beneficial effects of exercise, synchrony with others, focus, stc, etc.
    In psychology terms many of these things provide time "flow" wherein one finds joy of some sort or freedom from some mental constraints..
    Never got into meditation much but listened to similar brief overviews a number of times. Years ago even tried to "empty my mind" to mediate but perhaps tried too hard.
    Seems to me a bunch of double talk about unrelated ideas.
    Shortly into speaking forum excelled myself at mindful meditation- I fell asleep! Accomplished all the freedom & meaning quite easily…

  6. "We haven't even groked with Eiestine's,…" The quickest way to spot pseudoscience BS is when some dude starts talking about Eisenstein this and that, but they don't know basic physics. At least this isn't as deluded as that Psyco-nut Terrence who throws-up word salads of science sounding terminology to describe his hallucinations. I don't even doubt the medicinal utility of mindfulness, personally I have experienced benefits, but its sad that this dude discredits himself like two sentences in by talking about string theory and multi-verse theories— like dude stick to empirical science, primarily of the type you ACTUALLY know something about.

  7. Interesting topics. I guess no one will be able to know exactly who we are 100% and won’t think about much either. However, learning experiences from mistakes will never be wrong from own mistakes and do better through learning experiences. When we are talking to others, may suddenly learn something from others often or sometimes. Sometimes we will learn from books, different speeches, works, or anything else. Correct learning experiences or not, compare with principles of better behaviors, principles of laws, kindness nature, constant and continued learning experiences, we may get hint of better behaviors from learning experiences gradually or quickly. Meditation will help calming down, peaceful and more generosity forgiveness and kindness nature toward others or self. More focus on own continued learning experiences calmly, if we know how to do and do by right way. If meditating for many decades of experiences, sometimes maybe able to see or feel unexpected things or experiences of either happier or worrying or fearsome for unexpected things or experiences and hard to stop continued meditation by feelings of blockage of skin poles. Also meditation will absolutely help mind and Heath too. Good or bad? As long as ones like it, it counts greatness.

  8. How Satan Gains

    Control Of The Mind

    Watchman Nee in his book The Spiritual Man states that there are five ways we give control of our minds to Satan:

    1. First, by not daily meditating on God's word.

    2. Second, by deliberately considering and living out sin in one's mind.

    3. Third, through willful ignorance of God's truth's and moral absolutes.

    4. Fourth, by accepting any suggestion in the mind as if from God without questioning or checking to see if it lines up with God's Word or past light of God.

    5. Fifth, by deliberately blanking one's mind so as to receive suggestions from evil spirits.

    James 4:7 states, "Submit therefore to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you." God has a purpose and a plan for each of our lives. God’s Word commands us:

    Read the book

  9. Google, please: Remove the picture of me riding a horse ? from the Facebook page of Connie or Constance Williams Batiste.She stole it from my defunct face book page…

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