修复iOS 12.4越狱上的Cydia错误消息,常见问题和Bootloop(Unc0ver)

如何修复iOS 12.4越狱(Unc0ver)上的Cydia错误消息和常见问题修复致命错误,多次配置目标软件包,引导循环,重新启动循环,无法获取)

这是故障排除指南,用于解决iOS 12-12.4越狱中的一些常见Unc0ver问题和Cydia错误。

-无法打开文件/ var / lib / dpkg / status-打开(2:无此类文件或目录)



修复“ var / lib / dpkg”无法打开文件数据库错误:https://youtu.be/DHqfcluteDg


前31个最佳iOS 12越狱调整:https://youtu.be/1pYilWaheec
越狱iOS 12后必须安装的18个基本Cydia调整:https://youtu.be/MP_IiD5pwhs
如何越狱iOS 12-12.1.2 w / Unc0ver(教程):https://youtu.be/Pah9c-7Nfc8

该视频是否帮助您解决了iOS 12越狱问题?






2019 Gear更新:https://bit.ly/2GbtIi6

▶️在iOS 12上节省电池寿命(20多个提示):https://youtu.be/ph6OCuelGAo

▶iOS 12中的️Siri快捷方式(教程):https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC-j9MJHTD_GKUTb6bZ8wGQcXoxXNamSj


▶️iPhoneXS Max与Galaxy Note 9 SPEED测试-您可能会感到惊讶:https://youtu.be/i_vlxL8-Y2E

▶️RIPiPhone X-为什么我们会错过它:https://youtu.be/F-HP72NvEGI



▶️LOADED2017 iMac 27英寸5K拆箱&评测:https://youtu.be/wPcL05YCWdY




▬保持最新! ▬




    Target Translations is configured multiple times in

    etc/apt/sources.list.d/cydia.list:2 and


    For that I have restored cydia from checkrain and re-jailbreaked, but same issue occured. Deleted all the soruces nothing left but same issue. Please help me on this…


  2. I need to know how to jailbreak my iphone 8 plus and it is updated with the 13.3 can you walk me through this all I want it for silly I know but to move that darn time on the lock screen around please help me I know nothing about tech work. thank you

  3. Hey bro plz help my cydia is not working I search on YouTube but i cant find anything
    My cydia is not search anything
    And I can't add other source
    When I click on all sources this cannot be open same thing.all other things in cydia is not opening plz brother

  4. hey what do I do if I mess up in jail breaking and can I re jail break im sacred that it will do a lot of dog to my iPad please respond

  5. Hi Brandon, I have a cydia error inside cydia and won't let me install any tweaks. The error is sub-ptocess/user/libexec/cydia/cydo returned an error code (2) please help

  6. Hey Brandon, today I have updates in cydia for Link Identity Editor and jbctl, but the update was not successfull. When the phone respring whenever I open cydia it show I have half-installed package. Please help.

  7. yo can someone help me with this : while i am dowloading cydia on checkra1n it gives me this error "Bootstrap Error: OTA is prestaged to roofts. Remove OTA and reboot to stock then try again

  8. Uncover icon is grayed out after installing and I can’t open it it’s not in profiles ether to trust it iv tried downloading it from multiple places and it come out gray is there way to fix this this is a big issue and I haven’t seen anyone on YouTube talking about it

  9. Chimaera and Uncover aren’t working for me anymore. The both are shadowed for some reason. I press on the apps and nothing happens. Help please.

  10. I know this video is old but when I install something it’s either not showing icons when I download it with .deb or I download it and when I try to lunch it it never works just opens for around a second and it makes me crash outside and puts me back to background any fix?

  11. I know this is an old video but I’m jailbroke a12 XS Max iOS 12.2 is anyone els having a problem with Siri not giving voice feedback? She still works but no voice?
    I’m jailbroke with unc0ver.
    Does anyone have a fix for this? thanks.

  12. Thank you man you’re a life saver. I thought I did something wrong on my end to get a error in cydia, but all I had to do was let my sources refresh lol.

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