
您想让手机性能更快吗?您可以免费提高Android手机的速度(并使其运行速度比购买之日更快)。在此视频中,斯科特·弗里森(Scott Friesen)向您展示了如何对Android移动设备进行一些小的更改以提高性能。





Scott Friesen是生产力专家以及Simpletivity培训和咨询的创始人。他还是一位多才多艺的公共发言人,讲习班负责人和时间管理教练。

#simpletivity #android #phonetips。

  1. I realize that this video may not be useful for everyone but still wanted to create a video dedicated to this tip for those people who are frustrated with their phone's speed. Be sure to share with friends who may have the same frustration (they'll think you're a pro with this special trick)!

  2. That's fantastic Scott thanks very much indeed for this – it's awesome. I already have a very powerful and fast phone but one can clearly notice a big difference. Anything else good up your sleeve for Android phones?

  3. Thanks for the tip Scott. I tried this on my Sony Xperia XA1 and didn't really notice any difference. What did happen though was that the phone later on that day threw a hissy fit – locked up and couldn't switch on or off. Even charging had the screen coming on an off in an odd manner. After force restarting a few times and resetting the animation back to where they were it seems to have recovered . It is of course quite possible that this problem was a coincidence and had nothing to do with changing the animations.

  4. Thanks for the great tips. I have an observation about Keep. It seems that even simple font manipulation such as bold, font size, font color, etc. are not possible in Keep. Looks like I'll still use OneNote along side Keep. Am I correct about the missing font capability in Keep?

  5. I came into this video think, "Great! Scott found something new to share for us Android users!" Umm… yeaaaaa NO. And it doesn't make your device faster, tech-wise. It's like playing that game of peek-a-boo. All smoke and mirrors via the animation on said device.
    If this is going to be a new topic on your channel. I'd suggest you stop here (for the time being). LOVE your channel! You got great stuff!!! But let's not get into Android tech. Especially if you're aiming at Android ALL users. Or if so, make a HUGE disclaimer like, "FOR BEGINNER USERS EYES ONLY!"
    Just my two cents as the vid broke out today. You may want to buckle up for the onslaught when and "IF" more and more Android vets see this.

  6. Interestingly, the Samsung s5e tablet has animations (all 3) set to Off by default. Worked great on Samsung's S6 phone. But are there any security risks by leaving developer mode on?

  7. An old trick (from Windows XP times) to increase productivity by disabling animations!

    I myself like my UI without much fluff that slows you down.

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