退出地牢-启动预告片-Nintendo Switch

离开地牢是一名子弹地狱的地牢攀登者,紧随不合适的“地牢人”的冒险经历以及他们进入Enter Gungeon的个人赦免之旅。地牢已经成为一个悖论并且正在崩溃!武装人员拥有不断变化的武器,无法满足的掠夺需求和可信赖的闪避投掷,我们每个英雄都必须通过自己日益危险的电梯的独特途径登高和逃生。

立即退出Nintendo Switch上的Gungeon版本!


#ExitTheGungeon #NintendoSwitch#独立世界

订阅更多任天堂的乐趣! https://goo.gl/HYYsot

访问Nintendo.com以获得最新信息! http://www.nintendo.com/


  1. Greetings you fabulous Earthlings and Happy Tuesday!! ??I bring thin crust pizza to all you friendly Earthlings ?Don't mind me, just cruising by:::::::::::::::::?

  2. Currently have 550 hrs in ETG. Love the game and love all of the devs for their hardwork! Can't wait to sink in even more hours.

  3. Can someone help me? I’m trying to change the controls but there’s only one control that can be changed, it’s the firing button (r or zr), is this on purpose or a glitch, bug, idk. Game is amazing so far tho

  4. Got it as soon as it came on the e store and it is amazing cant believe how good it is. a great sequel to the first one. I highly recommend it

  5. I loved the first game, but the second is sadly disappointing…I hate the idea of having every 5 seconds another gun without the option to stay at the current.

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