平台官方预告片(2020)科幻片,惊悚片Netflix Movie HD



立即订阅以捕获2017年最佳电影预告片和最新的官方电影预告片,影片剪辑,场景,评论,采访。 。

  1. The rich can buy all they needs. They can empty all groceries. But the poor, has no hope. They suffer and they dont survive anymore,hence they kill, kidnap, etc to…. Stay alive

  2. This movie was graphic man, haha they spared nothing. That rope scene had my whole family screeching and covering their faces in shock haha.
    I would 100% recommend to anyone contemplating watching.

  3. Ich hätte da auch noch was: MUTOPIA – don't forget to remember… eine sci fi web serie, um die Frage: Und was wenn Computer uns besser kennen als wir selbst? Search for MUTOPIA webseries Episode #01

  4. The audio is so annoying. It's originally a European movie. They dubbed the English and added subtitles that don't match what you hear on screen. Very confusing. Also don't eat while watching this. This movie is fucking disgusting. I never feel nauseous watching any movie, I have a strong stomach but God damn this movie made me feel sick to my stomach. Just fucking gross

  5. This reminds me of everything I ever loved in a horror movies. I like when they put people in a situation that they can't easily get out of. I don't know why but that my favorite genre.

  6. Man I just watched this dumbass movie. First of all how do they get that slab of concrete to move up and down, like what’s the mechanics of that. Then this shit is basically about food and the upperclassmen I get that. However this movie sucks and what’s the deal with the cancer chested bitch (I wouldn’t eat her) and what happened to the dog. I give this movie seven thumbs down.??

  7. What’s funny is that societies like Norway, Sweden, and Finland are 100% okay with capitalism because the government forces the rich to pay their fair share.

    Everyone gets healthcare, everyone gets education, nobody is scared to go broke, and the billionaires get to be a recognized backbone of their nation. All from simply paying their fucking taxes. IN A CAPITALIST SYSTEM.

    Here in America, some dipshit making $50,000 a year will defend the rich to the death and call you a socialist for saying that taxes should be raised on people making 200k plus.

  8. I've watched this, it's one of the most terrifying and realistic movies I've ever watched especially during tough times like this, it proves to be absolutely true.

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