《倦怠天堂》重制任天堂Switch –官方预告片

Burnout™专营权在2020年首次参加Nintendo Switch!随着它的到来,赛车手将能够在他们想要的任何地方对天堂之城造成破坏,为这款动作赛车经典游戏的易玩性和刺激性增添又一层面。所有八个主要的DLC包,所有的汽车,所有的街机乐趣–且有史以来第一次–随时随地可用。

有关Nintendo Switch的Burnout Paradise Remastered的完整详细信息,请访问此处:https://www.ea.com/zh-cn/games/burnout/burnout-paradise-remastered/news/burnout-paradise-remastered-nintendo-switch-2020-release 。

  1. I need help with the game, it is no longer compatible with my device and I really don't know why that works if I use Android. I just want to play the Simsfreeplay again

  2. Good EA. You're catching up to Microsoft at remastering your old game series. Here're some extra ideas to remaster: Kingdoms of Amular: Reckoning, Mass Effect, Dead Space and Crysis.

  3. if there's one ironic thing about Burnout Paradise it's that the game not only has the name of a Guns & Roses song as the name of the playground of the player but you get to rock on to the song itself while racing around. but I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth so I say take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty once again. I played this game years ago on the Xbox 360.

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