10 Tflop PS5但它仍然可能是更快的控制台!

10 Tflop PS5但仍可能是最快的控制台!

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  1. The xbox series x has a locked clock speed for both cpu and gpu. Locked at 3.8ghz for cpu and locked at 1.8ghz for the gpu.

    The ps5 cpu and gpu clock speeds are variable so they dont stay locked at a particular speed. The gpu will throttle according to heat and other things.

    I dont think the clock speed will make that much difference since the ps5 wont stay locked at 2.23 all the time it will go down depending on load. If the load is high and the heat is high it will throttle. Its 400mhz faster at best but has 16 less compute units.

    The extra compute units will make a difference at higher resolutions for the xbox.

    So far we have seen with radeon , rdna going above a certain clock speed has diminishing returns. Because it goes out of its efficiency curve.

    The xbox has 10gb vram dedicated to the GPU plus it uses texture compression similar to how nvidia uses texture compression, they are calling it bcpack for now. So it has a large amount of vram. with texture compression it will use less vram per game.

    The playstation also uses texture compression / kraken. But sony did not indicate how much vram is dedicated to the gpu.

    Ps5 ssd is double the speed of the xsx. I cant see how it will make a difference. It will make a difference with load times only. And not by much.

    Even if Sony wanted to use the ssd to cache gpu data. It will stil be more efficient to use the vram instead, since it will be faster. It will also have to fill the gddr6 memory before using the ssd as additional memory. Anytime a gpu runs out of physical memory and has to resort to using system ram or HD cache it never runs smoothly at that point.

    Sata to nvme ssd dont make much of a difference for game load times, only by 2-3 seconds at most despite nvme being double the speed of SATA ssd.

    Mechanical to ssd makes a big difference but sata ssd to nvme ssd dont make a big difference in load times.

    Each developer will have to optimize the games to take advantage of the hard drive speeds. Only then will you see a big difference

    Overall the performance will be comparable but the xsx will perform better in multi platform games. It's not like you will be able to play horizon on xsx to compare the performance anyway. So being faster does not automatically mean it's better if Microsoft cannot match sony with exclusive games

  2. The PS5 will not be the "faster" console, but I think it won't matter, because the promised 120 fps from Microsoft will never be seen, as their HDMI output allows only 60 fps on 4K, and they don't have a DisplayPort.
    So I'm thinking that Sony decided this is fast enough, and they don't need the performance crown. Plus their new audio processing tech will pretty much free-up a core for the game devs to use.

  3. The one and only thing Playstation is holding onto is the ssd ? this is so funny. Nothing else matters all of a sudden but ssd now. But the Xbox has a super fast ssd just not as fast. So 1/8 things is now the most important thing ?

  4. Obviously the series x is faster than the PS5 nobody is desputing that. They are both using the same architecture so 1 PS5 tflop= 1 Xbox series x tflop. You sound like a fan boy desperately trying to save sony's ass. Not to mention 10.3 is the best case scenario for the ps5. There's no way it's going to be anywhere near 2.23 GHz in real time. Where as the Xbox will have 12 flops consistently since the clock speed is locked. The SSD is faster on the ps5 but there's no way developers are going to stream assets on it. SSD's are still way slower than vram. 484 gbps vs 5.5 gbps is not even close. The SSD on the ps5 will just be used as a cache controller like AMD did on Vega.

  5. Modern consoles need alot of storage off the bat. Meanwhile Sony's ssd is only 825gb and will be used by the ps5 OS so maybe 700gb useable by user and the m2 will have to fit the ps5s requirements or it won't be any better than the normal ssds. Sounds exspensive and won't be available at launch. Where the xbox expansion slots will be. But other than that the ssd is faster on on on on ah on the playstation… directly control the framerate. ???Please sony ponys in damage control

  6. I'm still oblivious to why these youtubers keep acting like sony's SSD is going to matter, even at 5Gb per second that still AWAAAAYY slower than ram so it isn't going to help to cache anything at all, also the boost performance of the PS5 only means that its slower most of the time than the Xbox, Microsoft's product is so much better that it hurts to see a youtuber doing a video while so misinformed

  7. If titty flops didn’t matter why did he crank a 9.2 up to 10.3 to close the gap to Xbox even tho it will rarely hit that top number.

  8. Actually no.. there’s no argument whatsoever that would convince anyone with a properly functioning brain that PS5 is faster or close to xsx. I could see if this was a 10 TF Nvidia GPU vs 12 TF AMD, then obviously Nvidia would win.. but this is all amd architecture. Xbox has faster CPU, Better GPU, same 16 GB ram. SSD speeds do not matter when both SSD are faster than mostly any PC ones out right now. Load times will be almost identical. Also Sony is actually 9.2 TF and the image shown was it overclocked in boost mode.. I bet it will die quick running at like 2.23 ghz on the GPU. Sony failed the end

  9. ???? I cant get over the gymnastics you are doing to convince your self the PS5 is better than the XSX on paper. Unless you work for Sony your just talking out of your arse. Sony's only saving grace right now are the exclusives. And from the sounds of it they will look the same as they do just without the load screens.
    SSD load speed affecting frame rate? Just no, if it did Mark Cerny would have at least confirmed 60+fps

  10. You are wrong about SSD upgradability. Because PS5 4gbps will be much pricy. that's why xbox's solution is better. But if we can cheap SSD PS5 that would XBOX. But sony made a wrong decesion here

  11. Wait until MS talks about the velocity engine more in-depth. Sony’s main focus is loading a game but MS focus is using the SSD as a means to stream data as the main focal point. Big difference. Not saying that Sony’s SSD can’t go it only that it’s not closely married to the architecture like the Velocity Engine is with the Series X.

  12. Your reaching for excuses, and you don’t need to. The only thing that the PS5 is superior in is the SSD. TF is the combined power of the overall unit. And it’s less, and that’s final. There is no secret sauce that is going to make the PS5 more powerful. The 10.2 tf isn’t sustainable even at that higher range says Sony. Just let it go. Accept the PS5 for what it is, and if you’re a Sony fan be happy with what you’re gonna enjoy playing on. I’m getting a PS5 day one hopefully.

  13. @not an apple fan,

    You don't know a damn thing.

    1st! The PS5 us Overclocked , that's the only reason it hit 10.2 Tflops!

    The reason it's 2.2mhz, is its Overclocked!

    That XBOX Series X is going to Completely Run Circles Around the POPS5, Period!

    When these products hit the Market, your subscribers will know you don't know sh*t!

  14. XBOX: Give me power!!!! SONY: Give me speed!!!! I am not an expert. But isnt speed way better then power? if you can load in details and other gfx stuff on screen the moment you need them, couldnt you have bigger worlds with more life in them? or am i wrong here?

  15. I think the frequency difference is way bigger than the tflops difference. The ps5 can come out a better system all around.. it is like having a 2080ti stock with a 9900k overclocked 5.1 but slow storage and ok cooling..for the Xbox….on the ps5 like 2080 super overclocked by 2500mz with 9900k stock also fast storage and ram .its basically the same system but the ps5 scenario is better because easier to cool and move data better. Tflops doesn’t mean shit unless system configured same which not. less CU also easier for developers . The ssd will be the game changer this generation in my opinion. We been having lots of tflops in Pc that doesn’t mean everything at all . Battle neck and heat are what Microsoft need to worry about on those 12 tflops.. Sony said temperature is same in all ps5 but frequency is what changed I think this the best way to configure a console. Nvidia been doing Sony s way for a long time with their gpu against amd less tflops and cu but still come on top because amd card use to heat up so much and thumbs up for amd to finally figured out and the ps5 is the real console for the future in you understand tech

  16. Everyone has lost sight of what's going on here Microsoft with xbox series x has checked out of the console market and built an extension to there pc market that's why devs aren't excited the series x is just a generic high power corsair one. Microsoft is being clever in how the try and move there old console market over to pc's.. Sony has built a gaming console plain and simple the formula for gaming consoles is to take expensive parts and get clever with them to drive costs and power consumption down.. Sony is the only one out of all three now that's still making traditional games consoles with custom chips and tech fabed in to let devs get creative if they wish nintendo is in the tablet mobile industry and Microsoft has moved into the pc space its quite sad tbh

  17. There seems to be some confusion. The max clock speed isn’t a boost clock. The PS5 can run at full clock speed locked in without thermal issues. The variable rate is to reduce power usage when there isn’t much activity, this will reduce average power usage and allow the PS5 to run cooler on average as well. The goal is to distribute the power more efficiently so that it stays more constant. I’ve not tested the Xbox Series X, but I’m sure it will not be able to run as quietly as the PS5 during long play sessions.

    Edit: Another thing to note is that the Xbox Series X has a 8.1% faster GPU. I am unsure about the CPU though. The Xbox will also cost about 35% more to manufacture due to have more CUs and each Xbox CU being 5.7% larger than the PS5 CU, and the storage is 24% larger in the Xbox.

  18. Fastest ssd but clearly not the most powerful.10 tflops 36 CUs vs 12 tflops 52 CUs is hugely underpowered compared! That’s why cerny kept downplaying ray tracing because it will struggle with full ray tracing all the time! Will still be a good console and will probably still be the bigger seller but series X is definitely the more powerful machine!

  19. The point I am worried about is the cpu count as more is better when your dealing with raytracing but and the fact the guy for sony kept saying stuff like we don't need it is concerning to me as raytracing is the hype and direction next gen is heading for so I will wait and see how it can handle that and how it looks ect I am still on board for PS5 just going to wait to see I don't want X-box still sore of losing money back during the red ring days I lost twice with 0 fix 0 refund.

  20. So everyone keeps making a fuss about Sonys new drive and what it adds to gaming. Fact is both systems have a similar drive although Sonys is slightly faster I don't foresee it translating to a huge performance gap by any means that is noticeable in comparison to what the systems other specs negate in build selection the trade off will have to be thoroughly tested with performance/value also kept in mind once prices are announced. For now to say that a SSD drives performance alone over another SSD drive with similar use design in play makes it a clear winner when other specs are lacking is a foolish prediction at this time. Theses articles being posted saying Sony has a clear edge is just hype with no way to back up facts since it's new tech and too soon to weigh in properly. I would completely say Sonys ssd would have been a game changer if Xbox didnt also have a SSD eing used to achieve the same in game features.

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