8.3版中最推荐的替代游戏! -魔兽世界:艾泽拉斯之战8.3


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Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvE BFA指南:

Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA指南:

暗杀流氓8.3 PvP BFA指南:


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  1. I loved the whole "destruction warlock is really good, the key to destruction is to use it's biggest damage ability as much as you can" like, yeah… we get that… thanks lol

  2. I can’t help but laugh at the people saying hunter won’t even be able to be brought to raids this patch. Hunter end game scaling especially with crit is insane at the end of expansions. BfA was no different and we saw that in Antorus as well. If you wanna have fun in m+ and raids you can’t go wrong with BM hunter.

  3. Clickbait is fine if you actually answer the question somewhere. But your answer to "Most Recommended Alts To Play In Patch 8.3" is, "Play any class, here are what the specs are all about." The more accurate title would be "Overview of playable specs in 8.3" To make the title accurate, you should have at least talked about which classes and specs people should play for specific parts of the game. Something like, "So, if you want an m+ alt, you should probably pick up resto druid, mage, demon hunter, rogue or holy paladin, because while other classes and specs can definitely clear high keys, the community perception would make it easier to get into keys if you played these classes. And this is how each of these specs plays, what it excels at. On the other hand, if you expect to push m+, do NOT play Shadow Priest because the spec is very gear dependent and the community perception is very negative, so it's harder to get into keys, even if it is not totally warranted.For raiding, going ranged is always a good idea, with Destruction Warlock and Fire Mage at the top. If your guild could do with a melee, Arms Warrior is also a good choice provided you have the gear for it." Basically, calling a video "Most Recommended Alts To Play" when you recommend everything kind of makes it a worthless (if very well made otherwise) video in my humble opinion. Not trashing you, just a comment I had. Shadow Priest main by the way, not crapping on them, I love the class but it is what it is. Clicked hoping for help to decide between havoc, rogue and mage.

  4. dude, there is NOTHING easier than outlaw rogue … how can assa even be easier to start when you have more buttons to press more things to watch more things to do with your vanish etc. fuck… more of everything 😀 outlaw is literally 4 button char… :DDD EASIEST SPEC EVER
    edit: dude you serious, I watched a bit more and you actually think resto druid is easy to start with? 😀 you mad? … you are not only a terrible player but you clearly have no clue about the game at all….

  5. On this xpack I’m having a hard time to see which spec do I stay with my Warlock… with Destro: having hard time to proc the soul shard to spam chaos bolt, Demo: I do good damage but I honesty don’t like the spec, Affliction: it’s my favorite, but since they remove some skills from Legion I’m not liking to much, not much damage to be honest…

  6. I struggled learning balance Druid so I decided to try out healing for the first time ever as resto. It’s really fun. My guild had me diving into mythic+ right away and I healed Ny’alotha heroic for the first few bosses. Never thought I’d enjoy healing but now I’m considering maining my Druid next xpac

  7. Seriously dont start playing fire. I have a 1.4k io plugging everything mechagon. Bracers rank 3 corruption twisted appendage.. and I hate it. You will get invited to raids. You will get talked bad upon in mythic plus because melee will out dps you

  8. Balance druids do not perform well without the proper traits. Don't get me wrong I like your videos, but most of the times you give general information about all classes- for some of these i this video the information is misleading.

  9. Hi could you tell me which addon you use for the scrolling combat text please? I see it on everyones videos but no matter which addon I install it seems it never happens like that? I much prefer it to miks scrolling battle text so would appreciate an answer 🙂 thanks

  10. I am playing a Destro warlock I plan on making my main. I enjoy all warlock specs so it’s easy but Destro feels the most godly. My gear sucks and the highest crit I got was 125000 at 376ilvl.

  11. Hahahahahahahaha NOOOOOOOO you still must do some grind to unlock that shit SO NOO STILL ALTS UNPLAYABLE STILL THEY DOOOOONNNNTTTT LISTEN STILL YOU ARE THEIR PUPPET 😀

  12. What if your alt is a healer and u dont have the nazj essences on a healer "main" like u only have dps. U still gotta grind the rep huh?

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