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吉姆·布彻(Jim Butcher)讲的《和平对话》,是《纽约时报》五度排名第一的德累斯顿档案系列丛书中的第16本。将于7月14日发行,来自Penguin Random House的精装书,电子书和音频格式。


哈里·德累斯顿(Harry Dresden):杰森·伯纳多(Jason Bernardo)
托马斯·莱斯(Thomas Raith):凯米·布鲁德(Kamy Bruder)
伊凡娜(Evanna):凯蒂·贝克(Katie Baker)
卡琳·墨菲(Karrin Murphy):莎拉·弗兰纳里(Sarah Flannery)
皇后乐队Mab:Liz Fenning
拉拉·莱斯(L​​ara Raith):比尔吉特·路德曼(Birgit Ludemann)
卡洛斯·拉米雷斯(Carlos Ramirez):塞尔吉奥·洛佩兹(Sergio Lopez)
Ebenezar McCoy:亚当·格雷戈尔
尊严的贵族:Matthew Canter,Aaron Franklin,Christopher Jew,Nehru Joman,Wade Morrison,Ashley Norris,Kristen Prochnow

执行制片人:Jim Butcher和Priscilla Spencer
监制:Stephen Gibler
监制:Miles Alva
联合制作人/数据经理:Evan Newman
广告:Michi Que Doan
公元2年:Alyssa Aguilos
剧本主管:Suzanne Solomon
导演助理:Suzanne Solomon和Amy Gruss
1st AC:萧晨
第2 AC:Camilo Urdaneta
摄影机PA:杰罗姆·基思(Jerome Keith)
Gaffer:Sevag Chahinian
抓地力/电动:内森·巴尔多纳多(Nathan Baldonado),雅各布·林斯(Jacob Lince),陈高登(Gordon Chan),波什科·伊科维奇(Boshko Ikovic)
摄影师:Yrene Ramirez和Priscilla Mastrodomenico
故事板艺术家:Megan Lloyd
VFX艺术家:Priscilla Spencer
视觉特效顾问:Adam Wagner
现场VFX主管:Sherif Higazy
配色师:Jerimiah Morey
艺术总监:克里斯·斯通(Kris Stone)
平面设计师:Rachel Nelson
套装梳妆台:Yrene Ramirez
化妆助理:杰西卡·弗贡(Jessica Vergon),亚历克斯·加林德(Alex Gallind)和普里西拉·马斯特罗多梅尼科(Priscilla Mastrodomenico)
化妆顾问:Cindy Escalante
发型设计师:凯特·欧雅(Kate Oja)
服装设计师:托尼·尼尔森(Tonya Nelson)
Mab服装设计师:Kitty Krell
提供的其他作品:Landon Solomon和Kitty Krell
哈里&托马斯(Harry&Thomas)的珠宝作者:詹妮尔·巴达利(Janelle Badali),巴达利珠宝
拉拉的耳环,作者:梅利莎·斯宾塞(Melissa Spencer),斯宾塞高级珠宝
编辑/声音设计师:Stephanie Piotrowski
餐饮:Abel Garcia-Rodriguez(斯巴达)和Lobo Castle Productions
工艺服务:塔拉·里德曼(Tara Leederman)
提供的工资单服务提供者:ABS工资单Tharsis Marquez

“布莱克本”(Christian Vorlander,Simon Heeger,Aljoscha Christenhuss)撰写

特别鸣谢:Spencer家庭; Jim Butcher和Kitty Krell; Kavi Pech;所罗门家族;亚历克斯·范登堡(Alexi Vandenberg);莱西·汉南(Lacey Hannan)和亚历山大·温(Alexander Winn); Ileen Maisel,Gloria Fan,Sean Berard和Jennifer Jackson;苏珊娜·伯克海德(Suzanne Burkhead); Zac Hartog,Mike Marhefka,Esther Lee和Clint Pawlowski;杰里米·雅各布斯

  1. "Oh, I'm more than dumb enough." will be seen so differently by fans and those who have not read the books. It's also kinda funny that it is the most "Harry" thing in this entire trailer 😛

  2. Of all the book series i have read in my life time. (39 years)
    Dresden Files is right up there as one of the best I have ever read..
    Right there along side The Gunslinger Series.

  3. Got that Marcone tension/threat just right. He should be no real worry for Dresden at all as he is just a non-powere human, yet consistently Jim Butcher has me worrying for Dresden's life whenever they have an encounter. Reflected perfectly in this trailer. Nice one.

  4. Harry yah bad bruv, but TELL ME you ain't going up against old GRANDPA THE BLACKSTAFF… Boy your backside is in for a whupping, now pull a win out your behind. HooRAH!
    Now make this a series & allow me to erase that … interesting … rework. Please.

  5. When I saw the previews for the show on Sif-ee, I was excited. Then they kind of blow it with direction and sceens shot on the level of high school plays, with bad dialog and poor physical acts.

  6. ever watch the original series ????? i enjoyed this but i had the misfortune of watching the Dresden files with Paul Blackthorn back in the day , before i read the books . so when it came time to reading the series ,which i have done several times , i picture him and the person who plays Murphy . Dresden & Murphy just don't sit right in this , Dresden is a pop culture junkie who's inept about running his life and ain't a handsome chap. Murphy is a hard tough as nails tomboy, motorbike riding, Akido fighting detective "tiny but fierce"……. then there's the Blackstaff isn't he suppose to be grungier, grumpier …..old like before electricity was invented. In this i keep waiting for Dresden to stick on a non exiztant cowboy hat at some point.

    hats off to the guys and girls who brought us this lil vid, i enjoyed it even though i disagree with casting calls lol
    If its good enough for Jim , its good enough for me.
    good or bad i can agree we want more, more Dresden is better than no Dresden .

  7. Love this series. Favorite author. Hope he gets to write a Star Wars movie some day. Curious what Harry Dresden would think about the new trilogy. I could picture Harry and Waldo having a friendly debate over it.

  8. I must say most impressive most impressive indeed my only gripe if I'm allowed to have a gripe is that Dresden looks a hell of a lot like John Constantine other than that please make this a show

  9. Well that was enlightening, and a bit annoying. Don't get me wrong the trailer was awesome, but it was like 'wait, what is going on?'
    This just made me wonder what's going to happen in the next book and I have to wait three months to find out.
    Definitely more of a teaser trailer then official book trailer.

  10. I'll be honest….if I didn't know of Dresden files before hand and love the series…..I'd watch this and be like wtf is this garbage

  11. Mab embodies the forces of law and security. Harry serves her as White Knight. The name of the book is Peace Talks, and we know that the war with the Fomor is being instigated by Outsiders. It seems reasonable that any talks to end the war would be done under Mab's accords, with Harry serving as her representative, and that Outsiders will be involved.

    And the Seventh Law of Magic, the one that is most absolutely a death sentence for a wizard like Harry to break, is NO DEALINGS WITH OUTSIDERS.

    I don't think that was merely Harry's mentor we saw, but Ebeneezer in his role of Blackstaff, the one wizard who can break the Laws with impunity when it is necessary to do so. I have a feeling that the fool notion in question is Harry asking for possession of the Black Staff so that he can break the 7th Law, and Ebeneezer is telling him that in order for this to work, he must become the Blackstaff himself with all the responsibilities and burdens thereof.

    Which would fit in nicely will the massive amount of power that Harry is accumulating: most powerful wizard alive, Winter Knight, dead and brought back to life, and a leader of the Wild Hunt.

  12. Me when reading the part about Battle Ground: Wait, wait, hold up, did that just say what I think it just said? (Rewind and reread it). It did…TWO BOOKS IN A YEAR! WOO!

  13. One is that I'm very lost. The video start with a character that I have never seen. Now I know it is Evanna because of the interview and the subtitles (new character). Someone was murdered and I don't have a clue who he is. Marcone is a little too tall and slim for an Italian wise guy, part of Marcone's signature is that is he is a short powerful guy, Murphy, too skinny and tall for a cop but she matches the older Dresden look, also she looks fierce, tall and fierce. Talking about Dresden, I loved his scars. I loved Ebenisar, I never imaged him bald anyway, he commands respect, he is a parent protective figure, I like him more like this. I liked the humor in the video. You created enough mystery to make one want to buy the book. Overall you get an A+. It is hard to make adaptations like this. Lara could have been more sultry, she is sex incarnated. I would have put more meat (curves) on her and less dead vampire look.

  14. OMG Give me movies!!!! I've loved this series since… since… I can't even remember when. THIS IS SO HYPE!!!!! (PS give me movies!!!) XD

  15. I saw the announcement for Battle Grounds on Daniel Greene's channel first. But… Two Dresden books AND a Starlight Archive book in less than six months! I'm shaking with anticipation.

  16. So, been thinking… Is book 17 BATTLEGROUND or BATTLE GROUND? If it's two words, I wont worry as much. If however it's one word… Then yeah, I'll be worried. Single word book titles (CHANGES) really seem to be more momentous.

  17. When I finished Skin Game years ago, I remember thinking that there was a very important conversation missing from that book, about why one character in that book and one character in a previous book had been on a first name basis. And when Peace Talks got repeatedly delayed, I came to believe that Jim Butcher was stalling to buy time to figure out how to provide that exposition after the aforementioned character in that book made a rather permanent exit from the franchise.

    But now it seems that he has it sorted out, and rewritten Peace Talks into two novels in order to provide an alternate venue for that information. Here's hoping…

  18. Evanna is not a character we're seen before is she? Am I right in guessing that's Molly sitting at Mab's right hand at the conference table?

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