


我们的丰富旅程-边店|加快您的财务独立之旅:时间到那里去赚钱!!!我们的渠道全是关于省钱,赚钱和投资,这一切都是为了实现财务独立。您只能省下这么多钱。在某个时候,您也必须开始赚更多的钱。这可能是通过在当前工作上花费更多时间,加薪和/或开始忙碌来实现的!在此视频中,我们将讨论新的侧面想法,以帮助您入门!所以出去吧。 。 。赚到钱! 🙂





财务独立性最佳Vanguard ETF(交易所买卖基金):https://youtu.be/0eM1jYV0j-k

机器人顾问:您是否应该为他们进行财务独立投资? |我们的警告:https://youtu.be/fVGKrmNDQ7A




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  1. Please subscribe, hit the notification button, and check out some of our other videos:
    ▸▸▸Ten Money Moves to Make Before 30 to Achieve FIRE: https://youtu.be/xurFcAFhyf8
    ▸▸▸Best Vanguard ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) for FIRE: https://youtu.be/0eM1jYV0j-k
    ▸▸▸ROBO-ADVISORS: Should You Invest with Them: https://youtu.be/fVGKrmNDQ7A
    ▸▸▸Our $800 Car | Choosing FIRE Over the Joneses: https://youtu.be/9_V-tI9Aryc
    ▸▸▸Reaching Financial Independence: See Our 10 Stages: https://youtu.be/nZZH9ANNziQ

  2. I really love you guys – you are just so effective and genuine on helping people improving their financial situation. I plan to watch all of your video's and follow your footprint to FIRE. Really appreciated!

  3. Hey ? I’m from Portugal watching and thouse ideas don’t work for Portugal… since you are living in Portugal, can you please make a video on side incomes that will work in Portugal? Thank you so much for all the knowledge you share with us, ??

  4. New subscriber! Thank you so much for taking the time to ceeate, edit, and upload this video. I know it takes a lot of work and you both are truly appreciated. I love the research side hustle. I lovvvvvvvve to research and never heard of this side hustle before 🙂

  5. Awesome videos, look forward to each one! A bit off topic – is there a video or would be ok sharing how you track your portfolio(s) across all your accounts allowing you to balance them (hopefully in excel)?

  6. Have you guys ever thought of investing into cryptocurrency like bitcoin as an alternative or a hedge against a potential downside in the stock market?

  7. Thanks a lot! I really like your videos! The askwonder side hustle was very appealing to me. Research is a thing I'd really like to try. Unfortunately it seems they can't hire N.Y. residents.

  8. When I was younger I would buy and resell things on Craigslist. I think one time I even found a perfectly clean and new looking couch at a transfer site and borrowed my dad’s truck to haul it out and flip it for $120 later that day. These apps would have been such a cleaner use of my time haha!

  9. Now that fatllama is around, Amon pities the fool who asks him to borrow his stuff! 😀
    It's cool how creative you guys are in finding these side hustles to share with people.

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