《涛哥侃电影》周星驰【功夫】- 完整版

【功夫】一篇非常完美的表现出当今中国社会的现状:斧头帮-共产党;火云邪神-江泽民;猪笼城寨-中国民间社会;周星驰-负有使命的佛法承传者;斧头帮与火云邪神,由于自己的贪婪,应对了天时已到的环境,各自在自保性命与生命理念中,促成了一切事情的了断。最终回归简单、自然、人性与生命。 .

  1. 其實功夫和少林足球是周星馳的絕後雙響,表現手法,是登峰造極,在全世界來說,都可算是上乘之作。沒有色情,沒有血腥,又極具娛樂性,是不可多得的好電影。

  2. I am a Chinese living in Canada for 48 years and I have visited China 7 times in the past 10 years. My experience, observation and feeling can be summarized as: "each time is better than last time". In many areas, China has already surpassed Canada and USA. China is rolling with a very big momentum, which cannot be stopped by anyone, that she can even take over USA to become world leader in a not very long time. This CCP has changed and improved so much and so many times. Open your eyes and see this world – this administration called White House has become the biggest threat to world peace today. Democracy gave us Mad Man Hitler in the past, and democracy gives us Mad Bull Trump today. Do yourself, your family and all the people around you a big favour – update yourself to the 21st century. The CCP that you are taught to hate is very different today. Stop being such a clown…

  3. 看完了所有的视频,留言,觉的,涛哥太了不起了。看来,我小时候看了这么多的童话故事没有白看,原来童话故事里讲的都是真的。

  4. 连这部电影也可以让中共躺枪? 你这也无耻到了极点,捕风捉影,牵强附会,石涛,你每次的节目只能让人嘲笑和瞧不起,

  5. 这部电影既有佛教的参禅与开悟,又有基督教的信与爱,但到达这个境界哪是一般众生所能感受到的?从这个片子达到的境界看,没有华语片能出其右

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