
查看WBHE出品的新动画电影《超人:红儿子》的官方预告片,该电影根据经典的2003 Elseworlds漫画制作。这部新电影的特色是杰森·艾萨克斯(Jason Isaacs),卡尔·艾尔(Kal-El),艾米·阿克尔(Amy Acker),路易斯·莱恩(Lois Lane),狄德里希·巴德(Diedrich Bader),列克·勒索(Lex Luthor),菲尔·莫里斯(James Olsen),菲尔·拉玛尔(Phil LaMarr),约翰·斯图尔特(John Stewart),范妮莎·马歇尔(Vanessa Marshall),神奇女侠(Wonder Woman),萨莎·罗伊斯(Sasha Roiz),哈尔·乔丹(Hal Jordan)。罗杰·克雷格·史密斯(Roger Craig Smith)饰演蝙蝠侠(Batman),保罗·威廉姆斯(Paul Williams)饰演布拉尼亚克(Brananiac),威廉·萨利尔斯(William Salyers)饰演约瑟夫·斯大林(Joseph Stalin)。




  1. People who hate communist before watching the movies : Ahh, it's another communist propaganda.

    People who loves communist after watching the movies : Ahh, it's another American propaganda.

  2. USA cartoons more and more copy Japanese anime. Please stop doing that. Cartons never be good and intersting like Anime and Netflix be like:Witcher anime

  3. Interesting premise. From what I can see it doesn't take the easy way out and say America Good, Soviet Union BAD. There appears to be some nuance. Looking forward to seeing it.

  4. I hate how theres justice league characters in a SUPERMAN movie. Thats like putting the avengers in a mobie titled Iron Man.

  5. i just watched superman Red son…it was dissapointing bad. the drawings are average and the story line sucks bonkers. the whole anti Russian sentiment..Brainaic dubblecrosses superman oh no….did not see that coming. like the movie was made in a rush. bad movie

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