
1977年,在佐治亚州的一个小镇上,一个没有母亲的女孩梦想着生活超出她在零军区的拖车公园房屋的范围。当她寻求人脉关系时,她将参加美国国家航空航天局(NASA)具有里程碑意义的《金唱片》(Golden Record)比赛的明星们,这显然表明她将不得不依靠一些新朋友来走最后一步。

每天晚上,圣诞节火石(Mckenna Grace)都会坐在星空下,手持手电筒,向从未到过的外星游客发出信号。圣诞节和她同样古怪的最好的朋友约瑟夫(Joseph)敏感,富有想像力且深深孤独,在他们偏远的农村故乡佐治亚州威格利市(Wigly),他们最终变得格格不入。当圣诞节得知将每年的小鸟童子军Jamboree才艺大赛的优胜者包括在唱片中并发送给后代时,她的人生使命便是加入童子军并赢得Jamboree。

当她受到势利的当地Birdie Scout部队及其顽强的领袖Massey小姐(Allison Janney)的抨击时,圣诞节召集了一群小学离异的人来开始他们自己的篇章。在父亲可笑的办公室经理雷琳小姐(Viola Davis)的大力帮助下,圣诞节和她的工作人员不得不绕过梅西小姐在《小鸟》规章制度精美印刷品中发现的所有障碍,才能到达詹博瑞并获得永生。



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  1. raising the hat for thinking and introducing such movie.as a mother for 9y old girl i know how much bulling all around and model introduced figure all the time.young actress and actor we are really proud of your performance.thanks for touching our hearts.

  2. This movie was soooooo adorable. I cried so many times during the film. Forget the reviews. Must see film. Inspiring, empowering and heartwarming. ??✨???‍???

  3. Just watched the movie and I loved it from the very first second till the end. What an outstanding cast, especially McKenna Grace! And the music!
    God, we truly need more of those films that inspire us to achieve greatness. It's movies like these when you enjoy your tears because they're honest and because your heart was deeply touched by what you have seen. My sincere thanks to all the people involved in the making of this gem! ❤️

  4. Ok movie to watch, slow in some parts however its a feel good awkward childhood movie trying to instill that no matter who you are or where you come from you can achieve.

  5. I was skeptical at first but I’m thinking Viola Davis is in it. Finally watched it. What an incredible movie and cast! The acting is superb and there are so many quotable lines. I laughed and cried. Superb! Reminds me of Troop Beverly Hills.

  6. The weirdest thing about this movie is the way blacks and whites were hanging out together in 1977 in the same neighborhood and nobody was racist…..

  7. This is inappropriate for children, with cursing and homosexuality. I don't have an opinion on homosexuality other than it shouldn't be promoted to children. A good movie for teens and adults though

  8. I watched other video and just noticed it was Mckenna Grace– She looked so different in Haunting Of Hill House lol Anyway this kid is gonna be a big deal, I can already tell. She's really talented.

  9. I just watched this movie last night. I am full grown adult… I laughed & I cried. It's been awhile since a movie really made me feel something. This movie will be one of my all time favorites alongside the likes of The Goonies & The Sandlot. I absolutely loved this!

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