看不见的人-官方预告片 [HD]


您看不到的东西可能会伤害您。艾美奖获得者伊丽莎白·莫斯(Elisabeth Moss)(美国,葫芦的《女仆的故事》)饰演一个恐怖的现代迷恋故事,灵感来自环球经典怪物角色。

塞西莉亚·卡斯(Moss)与一位富裕而才华横溢的科学家陷入了暴力,控制性的关系,在夜深人静中逃脱,并在她的妹妹(哈里埃特·代尔,NBC的InBetween),他们儿时的朋友(阿尔迪斯·霍奇, Straight Outta Compton)和他的十几岁的女儿(Storm Reid,HBO的幸福感)。

但是当塞西莉亚(Cecilia)的虐待对象(奥利弗·杰克逊-科恩(Oliver Jackson-Cohen),Netflix的《山间鬼屋》(The Haunting of Hill House)自杀身亡并将大量财富留给她时,塞西莉亚怀疑自己的死是骗局。当一系列令人毛骨悚然的巧合变成致命的威胁,威胁着她所爱的人的生命时,塞西莉亚的理智开始崩溃,因为她拼命试图证明自己正在被一个没人看见的人追捕。

我们现今的恐怖类型大师杰森·布鲁姆(Jason Blum)为他的布鲁姆(Blumhouse)制片公司制作了《隐形人》。看不见的人是由Leigh Whannell撰写,导演和执行的,Leigh Whannell是锯木系列的最初构想者之一,最近执导《升级与阴谋》第3章。

这部电影也是由Kylie du Fresne(《蓝宝石》的升级版)为Goalpost Pictures制作的。执行制片人有Whannell,Beatriz Sequeira,Charles Layton,Rosemary Blight,Ben Grant,Couper Samuelson和Jeanette Volturno。 《看不见的人》是由澳大利亚门将影业公司和Blumhouse Productions公司联合制作的,与《环球影业》的《神经T》联association。 。

  1. now that western civilisation is declaring martial law, there will never be a moment when we are not being watched by a vicious 'invisible man' … see Christopher Walken Invisible Man Hollywood Party Tricks and you will see we've already been told what will happen and it's all a joke to them … good times … stay safe … the revolution is glorious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybkLwOzXj5Y

  2. I have seen many horror movies that i tought shes actually crazy and killed her husband at the start of the movie but made it look like a he killed himself. Then she killed her sister and there was no invisible man, shes was just crazy, but actually there was a invisibility cloak. Kinda unrealistic. I wanted better ending where shes kinda crazy or sometginf like that, not the invisibility cloak.

  3. People don’t worry this trailer doesn’t spoil the main plot, there is much more in the movie than what is shown in this trailer, please see the movie! Its true that the trailer could have been less revealing but the movie is still great. 9/10

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