Midway(2019电影)New Trailer – Ed Skrein,Mandy Moore,Nick Jonas,Woody Harrelson


中途岛— 2019年11月8日上映。埃德·斯克雷因,帕特里克·威尔逊,卢克·埃文斯,亚伦·埃克哈特,尼克·乔纳斯,丰川悦司,浅野忠信,卢克·克莱坦坦克,Jun国村,达伦·克里斯,基恩·约翰逊,亚历山大·路德维希和曼迪·摩尔,丹尼斯奎德和伍迪·哈里森。

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MIDWAY以中途之战为中心,这是美国舰队与日本帝国海军之间的冲突,标志着第二次世界大战期间太平洋战场的关键转折点。这部电影基于这一英勇壮举的真实事件,讲述了领导人和士兵利用直觉,毅力和英勇来克服困难的故事。 。

  1. What if I were to tell you that I was on the midway ship it self would you believe me or would think it a lie (please believe me it's all true)

  2. Just saw this movie yesterday when I borrowed by brother's DVD….I am really impressed with the historical accuracy they concentrated on while making it…I've read many books about the Battle of Midway and this movie covers pretty much all the bases in it's portrayal of the battle and those who fought it on both sides…I spotted only one minor flaw though…one scene shows the Japanese fleet being attacked by B-26 bombers coming from Midway….but the Japanese fleet was actually attacked by a squadron of B-17s that scored no hits.

  3. I was disappointed. The CGI at times was so unrealistic that it ruined the movie for me. Also, it felt more like a Michael Bay Transformers movie than a accurate war depiction. Not terrible and worth a watch but overall don't get your hopes up.

  4. Movie was fantastic, defiantly not like pearl harbor (Movie) from a romantic point of view. The one thing that annoys me is that a movie like 1917 will get all the awards and reviews and people will say its a must watch but then a good movie like midway will get no awards and bad reviews. Just goes to show the type of audiences that movie companies have to cater for nowadays. 1917 was mainly symbolic and academic and i found the acting was weak. They were trying to save 1600 men when in most battles in the entirety of ww1 more than 60 000 men were killed. Now you have a movie like midway which had good acting and historically very accurate and it gets bad reviews. Please go watch the movie before giving bad reviews.

  5. While the film had many good elements, and despite spending $100 million, it not only seemed to be on a budget, but also lacked a lot of historical truth. While the 1976 MIDWAY film seems old these days, it seemed far more historical and a superior film than this 2019 attempt.

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