着火的女士的画像 [Official Trailer] –在剧院2019年12月6日

由CélineSciamma执导。由诺米·梅兰特(NoémieMerlant)和阿黛尔·海涅(AdèleHaenel)主演。 12月6日上映。#PortraitMovie


CélineSciamma赢得了令人垂涎的戛纳电影奖和年度最佳影片之一,使CélineSciamma成为当今世界上最激动人心的电影制作人之一。诺梅·梅兰特(NoémieMerlant)和阿黛尔·海涅(AdèleHaenel)将这种微妙的举动变成了危险的,激动人心的刺激,制作了当年最令人叹为观止和优雅的表演。观看玛丽安(Marianne)和赫洛斯(Héloïse)坠入爱河,就是看到爱情本身在银幕上的发明。结合当代主题的晚礼服,《火上女郎》是有史以来最伟大的爱情故事之一。 。

  1. My gosh! They weren't kidding when they said that this is a masterpiece. This was absolutely one helluva force. It's so subtle yet so powerful. (I just finished watching it)


    The short goodbye near the end was sad. Add that to the fact that's the last time you'll ever talk. That shit happens in real life.

  3. I really see Baroque art every time I see the evening kitchen scene. Especially when they focus on the Maid in the kitchen.
    Let me know what you think.

  4. YouTube:
    Jeremiah Cohen
    Spy Kitten
    Sheila Zilinsky
    A Pastors Chronicles
    Goodnight Ministries
    A Call For an Uprising

    VERY INSIGHTFUL! It's all about the luciferian agenda.

  5. I knew it… homosexual movie. Been waiting for a new period drama, but I won't be watching this film. And before anyone negatively comments on my choice, just remember I have just as much right to openly support heterosexuality as you choose homosexuality, etc. (which is a "spirit of homosexuality"). However I do not see this as a personal decision on my part, but rather following spiritual law(s) – which are put in place to protect us from the enemy!

    Ephesians 6:12 KJV
    12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

    I have the right to freedom of religious speech, as others have the right to express their beliefs. With that being said, I'd like to share a scripture from the word of God. Just keep in mind, we are living in the last days. Sin gives the enemy (demons & devils) lega l rights to attack us & even take us out. Where will you spend eternity if your life is taken now, or when Jesus returns? Seek God & Jesus, He loves you very much & wants you to spend eternity with Him in Heaven:

    1 Corinthians 6:9-10 KJV
    9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate (homosexuality), nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
    10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

    God Bless You! ♥

  6. Celine was robbed the opportunity of getting an Oscar. She deserved it more than anyone. The only two movies I really rooted for were Parasite and Portrait yet France disappointed us.

  7. This is definitely one of those films where the trailer is much more fulfilling that the feature length. Honestly found the meat of the film painfully boring and the writing very predictable and pandering to a particular audience. However, the acting was great… I am a fan of Sciamma's other work, but this definitely failed to make any impact. *To add as well- the final scene was a blatant copy of Guadagnino's Call Me By Your Name* boring

  8. I've watched this movie more than a dozen times this week, especially Noémie's performance is so wonderful, from now on I will pay attention to all her films. I hope this quiet,shy woman will have more amazing works in the future.

  9. One hole in this story… as a perfumer, I could not dismiss the smell of the paints and turpentine, particularly during those times. The aroma had to be present, so I had to suspend belief that Héloïse could not smell the paint supplies when entering Marianne's room, when she's not supposed to know Marianne is a painter. The supplies hidden behind a thin curtain could not have hidden those fumes. Other than that, it was masterful.

  10. I didn’t know this was foreign because I just didn’t know anything about the film but I decided to watch the trailer without my headphones handy because I wanted to see what the general look and vibe was but hey, what do you know, I got these handy subtitles

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