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Knives Out具有令人难以置信的创新故事结构。在这段视频中,我看电影如何借鉴两种不同流派的共同元素来创作出全新的作品。



约翰·特鲁比(John Truby)谈犯罪故事:

约翰·特鲁比(John Truby)的侦探故事:



  1. My next video is going to take a look at the movies that inspired Knives Out, so if you want to watch the movies before I talk about them, they are: 

    ▶ The Last of Sheila
    ▶ Murder on the Orient Express
    ▶ Murder by Death
    ▶ Death on the Nile
    ▶ The Private Eyes
    ▶ The Mirror Crack'd
    ▶ Evil Under the Sun
    ▶ Deathtrap
    ▶ Clue
    ▶ Gosford Park.

    In for a penny, in for a pound?

  2. Whyyyyy did you have you put that unsettling ass shot from parasite in here? I only just got peace from the image in my brain, and now it’s back in there.
    But great video. Thanks for the breakdown 🙂

  3. i fckn love murder mysteries, and movies like this are usually right down my alley, but i couldn't enjoy it due to my severe emetophobia (fear of vomiting) 🙁 it be like that sometimes i guess

  4. Hi
    I am trying to write my first screenplay. The story is basically a mindfuck story at the core, where the protagonist loses everything at the end. Whatever I have read about writing a scene or an entire script focuses on 'what is the character's wants' and 'what do they do get their wants', or 'how does the character overcome the conflict'.
    How do I break down a story where the protagonist does NOT get what they want? The plot of the story in itself is interesting(some feedback from friends), but how do I make sure the screenplay is interesting as well and keeps the audience invested in the story and the characters?

  5. i loved this movie so much!! the structure you outlined here really kept me hooked the whole way through, and combined with the performances and aesthetic just make it so fun!!

  6. What do you think is the point that it switches back? I think it’s when Marta is with Ransom at the fire, and she turns the car to escape, because that’s kind of her mistake.

  7. So, a detective story: The audience getting the sensation of being a brilliant mathematician/scientist/ problem solver. Hence, a heroic journey of a problem-solver. While a crime story: the heroic journey/tragic tale of an anti-hero.

  8. and the beautiful part of the flash backs is that its from their perspecitve. look again, they slightly differ from what actually happened based on thier perspective,

  9. I disagree completely about Benny being a 'bad detective'. He is a very good detective and is pretty much in the same position as the audience throughout the film; he knows that Marta was there when Harland slit his own throat because of the blood stain, he knows that all of the family has lied to him because he did his research and he knows that there is still more to the story, because of his intuition. In fact, Benny explains his method like two times- he does all his digging before the case starts so that he can sit back and watch the truth inevatibely reveal itself like a rainbow's arc.

  10. See this is where you can get away with subverting expectations. You just can't apply this same logic to a well established franchise with a strong canon.

  11. Thank you so much for taking a closer look at this film! It was so good and I was so enraptured by it when I saw it. I was disappointed that it wasn’t as much in the public discourse as I thought it deserved to be.

  12. Rian thinks he's so smart and subverted. And he's really average smart and a mediocre writer to be honest. People need to stop complimenting him, he's just ok

  13. They pulled a "fake Columbo": Columbo was still a whodunnit, but in reverse: you know who did it but you witness how the detective put the pieces back together.

  14. it's one of the worst written "hyped" movies i have seen in a long time. The script is terrible. The "mystery" is revealed in the beginning, so we are not interested in the "crime plot" at all, there are no stakes wheresoever – at first it seems like the murder was a mistake – then it turns out he did it himself, which is a boring reveal.

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