曼达洛人|官方预告片|迪士尼+ |直播11月12日

在Jango和Boba Fett的故事之后,星球大战宇宙中出现了另一个战士。 “曼达洛人”的背景设定为帝国灭亡之后和一阶秩序出现之前。我们跟随着一个孤独的枪手在银河系之外远离新共和国当局的艰辛。 。

  1. everybody pls try to convince my sis with a reply to watch The Mandalorian, she has seen on or two of the prequels and does not like them at all. And whatever I tell her she is not watching The Mandalorian but I know she would like it^^

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