由作家/导演爱德华·诺顿(Edward Norton),布鲁斯·威利斯(Bruce Willis),古古·姆巴莎·拉(Gugu Mbatha-Raw)和亚历克·鲍德温(Alec Baldwin)和威廉·达福(Willem Dafoe)主演,观看预告片(MOTHERLESS BROOKLYN)的情节和戏剧。仅在11月1日上映。

收录了汤姆·约克(Thom Yorke)的歌曲“每日之战”(Daily Battles),现已上市:


奥斯卡提名人爱德华·诺顿(“伯德曼或 [the Unexpected Virtue of Innocence]”,“美国历史X”,“基本恐惧”)在《无母布鲁克林》中导演,写作,制作并担任主演。这部电影的放映之旅始于1999年,当时诺顿在乔纳森·莱瑟姆(Jonathan Lethem)的小说《无母布鲁克林》(Motherless Brooklyn)及其令人难忘的中心人物中看到了电影的潜力。但是从一开始,诺顿就打算通过将1950年代的戏剧重新设定(在纽约市发生巨大变化的时期),将莱瑟姆的当代角色转变为不同的时期和情节,并赋予其独特的氛围。

这部电影的杰出合唱演员还包括布鲁斯·威利斯(“ Die Hard”电影,“月出王国”),古格·姆巴莎·罗(Gugu Mbatha-Raw)(“时光的皱纹”),鲍比·卡纳瓦莱(“ I,Tonya”),樱桃琼斯(“男孩被擦除”),迈克尔·肯尼思·威廉姆斯(“当他们看见我们时”),莱斯利·曼恩(“另一个女人”),伊桑·苏普莉(“华尔街之狼”),达拉斯·罗伯茨(“达拉斯购买者俱乐部”),乔什佩斯(雷·多诺万(Ray Donovan)),罗伯特·雷·维斯多(Robert Ray Wisdom)(“修复”),费舍尔·史蒂文斯(Fisher Stevens)(“黑名单”)以及奥斯卡提名人亚历克·鲍德温(Alec Baldwin)(“酷冷者”,“布莱克·克兰斯曼​​”,“无家可归”)和奥斯卡提名Willem Dafoe(“在永恒之门”,“佛罗里达项目”)。诺顿还与他的《五级电影》制作合伙人比尔·米格里洛制作了这部电影。 MWM Studios的Gigi Pritzker和Rachel Shane;和迈克尔·贝德曼(Michael Bederman)。 Adrian Alperovich,Sue Kroll,Daniel Nadler,Robert F.Smith和Brian Niranjan Sheth担任执行制片人。

在幕后,诺顿与两次获得奥斯卡奖提名的摄影导演迪克·波普(“特纳先生”,“幻觉主义者”),制作设计师贝丝·米克尔(“驱动器”,“抵押之美”),奥斯卡提名的编辑合作。乔·克洛兹(Joe Klotz,“珍贵”,“管家”)和服装设计师艾米·罗斯(Amy Roth)(电视的“织机塔”,“愤慨”)。

音乐在定调和确定“布鲁克林无情”的时期中起着重要作用。乐谱由丹尼尔·彭伯顿(“史蒂夫·乔布斯”,“世界上所有的钱”,“海洋8”,“蜘蛛侠:进入蜘蛛诗”组成)组成,小号上有温顿·马尔萨里斯。影片还采用了汤姆·约克(Thom Yorke)创作和表演的原创歌曲。华纳兄弟影业公司(Warner Bros. Pictures)展示了第5类电影/ MWM电影制片厂的作品《无母布鲁克林》。这部电影定于2019年11月1日发行,将由华纳兄弟影业在全球发行。

这部电影在所有语言中(包括一些性推荐,短暂吸毒和暴力)都被评为R级。 。

  1. For me, Mr. Norton's acting and his portrayal of the character is far far above even from characters like the Joker. Standing ovation after watching the movie

  2. It’s interesting what Moses Randolph says about being ahead of the law and foreseeing times that others can’t when the thing he was most afraid of itself depended only upon the times in which they lived … which would eventually change.

  3. Now that we can remove Leo and brad pritt from the list of amazing actors who deserved the oscar for so long.. we can now focus on Edward Norton, Johnny Depp, and RDJ.

  4. OMG I HAVE BEEENNNNN WAITING FOR THIS LAST 10 YEARS !!!!!! ya all idiots who blacklisted E. N. go f…. yourself s cmonnnn one of greatest actors is back and by him self so support this ppl (btw i know that he is sometimes hard to work with but movies speak for themselves) Wooooooooooo woooo hooooooo BABY !!!! HE IS BACK !!!

  5. He might be my favorite actor – Fight Club, Death to Smoochy and American History X are a few reasons why. I heard him talking about this movie on Joe Rogan. What are all of these videos about him being blacklisted from Hollywood?

  6. Was this movie in the theaters??? I have never heard of this movie. I just saw the DVD @ Target and thought it looked interesting. The trailer was amazing. The cast is spectacular! Edward Norton can do no wrong. Wardrobe looks like they had Deborah Lynn Scott consult. Help me understand why this movie never made it.

  7. Best movie I've seen in years. I was totally captivated from the very start. I'm a sucker for the neo-noir setting, the smokey jazz, the political onion that they peel, the stories of the people being exploited. It had it all for me. And the soundtrack is sensational.

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