
随着冠状病毒继续在全球蔓延,约翰·奥利弗(John Oliver)讨论了特朗普总统对大流行的反应不一致,包括他建议将美国遣返工作的复活节截止日期,以及他不愿使用《国防生产法》。


订阅“今晚的最后一周” YouTube频道,了解几乎所有即将发生的新闻:www.youtube.com/lastweektonight




  1. Maybe we could build smart robots and all isolate inside small pods, like those people living in a Matrix movie. Just to be sure we're safe, of course, robots will take care for our planets until virus is gone.

  2. I loce how these conservatives will go on and on about how the US is the greatest country in the world, but when everyone needs to stay in side, suddenly this country will collapes, hmmmm

  3. This is my favorite episode. Not because it's better than the other ones. It's just so awkward. It's like that video where someone edited out tall of the laugh tracks from a friend's episode

  4. suddenly they're willing to die for the future of their children, but any action on climate change is to much to ask. let's be real here: this is not about saving future generations from having massive debt or living in poverty, this is about saving capitalism.

  5. As a resident of Florida, I can say that a complete shutdown probably won't be totally effective. Yeah we can try and keep people inside but look at other states that have, California has people still going to the beaches and out for leisurely strolls even though that is 100% against the shutdown. You can tell people to stay inside, but unfortunately we can't keep them in

  6. After the Spanish flu we had the roaring 20s. These assholes want there to be mass desth beacuse you can become nice a rich if you survive. It's an asshole mentality and is understandable. Not condoned but greedily understandable.

  7. To be honest, the virus isn't that deadly to most without a compromised immune system, it basically is just a very infectious illness that is recoverable like most common colds and fever. But people are either too sheltered now and panicking, going for extreme hoardings, or simply complacent, our irresponsibility and lack of rationality/over-protectiveness of ourselves that exacerbated the problem to such an unnecessary level, where it becomes difficult for us to focus on the cases that actually need proper attention. Either way it shows and exposes our selfishness more blatantly, which I'm not even surprised anymore because that's what humans do normally. Nevertheless it still comes across as infuriating, because unfortunately the ones who suffers most are those involved in healthcare, the most noble group of people that sacrificed the most.

  8. If anyone continues to call Republicans pro-life, I'm gonna burst out laughing.

    Can someone get onto the PR machinery and get rid of that notion miles removed from reality.

  9. States are now trying to out bid each other for medical supplies jacking up prices. Trump & WH is picking & choosing who gets supplies from federal govt based on his favs & best ass kissers. Meanwhile I’m pretty sure our elected politicians & the wealthy are well invested in the companies now providing medical supplies There needs to be some serious repercussions when this is all over.

  10. I feel that such a pandemic situation is great for reelection of any political candidate – just take the right steps for 'the common man', make them feel cared for and you instantly have better ratings. This is what's happening in india btw

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